Responses and Self-Critiques in QA and Query programs

This document addresses the process of documenting solutions and, most importantly, the process of self-critique when completing qa and query exercises.  It is recommended that you review this document periodically, especially if your instructor recommends this a posted response to a submitted assignment. 

This document is divided into two parts.  This first part describes the process of response and self-critique.  The second part includes common notes related to the process of response and self-critique, given in instructor responses to work submitted by students.



The Process of Responding and Self-Critiquing

Answering and self-critiquing problems and questions

On every item in a query or a qa, you are to provide your best attempt at a solution, and if a solution to the question or problem is given you are to self-critique as appropriate (see below for more about self-critique). If you believe you are unable to solve a problem, you should indicate as specifically as possible what you do and do not understand about each phrase in the problem, and about the problem as a whole.

Every solution should include documentation, meaning that you should indicate your reasoning and an outline of the steps you used in obtaining the solution.

Your instructor's main function is not to point out errors in your solutions or evaluate your solutions, but to address your needs as they are indicated in your self-critiques.

Self-critique, in those cases where your solution differs from the given solution, is the most important part of the Query/qa process. Self-critique focuses your attention on essential details, and it provides the instructor the information required to help you.

The purpose of the self-critique is to demonstrate to your instructor what you do and do not understand, so your instructor can help you address any specific idea or procedure that might be giving you trouble. Your instructor can and will help if you provide the necessary information.

How to self-critique

The first thing required is that you recognize when your solution does not match the given solution

If your solution differs from the given solution you should then include statements that indicate the differences, and that document what you do and do not understand about that solution.

Your self-critique should document understanding, and not simply assert understanding (i.e., you should show that you understand, not just say that you do).

A good place to start with a self-critique is to think in terms of the following questions:

The nature of a good self critique

In a good self-critique you need identify the specific things you do and do not understand in the given solution, and either demonstrate your
or ask specific questions about what you don't understand.

You need to detail the points on which your solution differs from the given solution. Deconstruct the given solution and explain in detail what you do and do not understand about every part.

Once you have defined and detailed what you do and do not understand, your instructor can help you in the appropriate manner.  If you fail to do this, your instructor might not have enough information to help.

A self-critique should include specific questions about the problem or the given solution.

If you didn't self-critique in the prescribed manner

You are welcome to insert additional self-critiques, including specific questions, into a copy of this document for my further response.   Mark your insertions with &&&& so your instructor can quickly identify them.

Common Notes

The remainder of this document consists of common notes.  If you are reviewing this document then you can treat each common note as an item on a checklist.  Any note that applies to your work should alert you to a possible need to modify your way of responding to queries and qa's.

Common notes:  No answer given, not enough detail in answer.

The following notes apply when you haven't responded sufficiently to a question, and haven't self-critiqued.  Remember, you always need to at least state what you do and do not understand about the problem and about the given solution.  Even if you are wrong in your interpretation, the attempt to understand the question will engage your brain in a way that gives you a basis for additional insight and understanding.

Common notes:  Asserting but not demonstrating understanding

The following apply when you say, but do not show, that you understand.  It might be that you really do understand and just don't have time to address the details, but if these comment apply to most of the problems in a set, there's a good chance that you aren't developing the necessary understanding and skills.

Common Notes:  Give me more information

Common Notes:  Phrase by phrase analysis

Common Notes:  Rating the self critique

It is necessary for you to rate your self-critiques.  This allows the instructor to quickly spot areas of trouble and address them.  Self-critiques are rated 0, 1, 2 or 3.  The ratings are described below:

Common Notes:  Mostly correct

Ideally most of your solutions will be correct, and most of the rest will fall into the category of 'mostly correct'.  When this is the case on most of your assignments, it is very likely that you are doing well in the course.  If this is not the case then you should probably be working harder on self-critiques and on responses to instructor suggestions:

Common Notes:  partially correct but without self-critique

If you are getting significant parts of many problems right but not self-critiquing in the prescribed manner, then you might not be getting the full benefit of the exercises and might not be mastering the content at the level necessary to perform well on the tests.  When the following notes apply to most of a student's responses, it is difficult for the instructor to gauge the student's progress.  Some students to whom this description applies are in fact developing sufficient understanding and just don't have time to address every detail.  Most students to whom the description applies are getting some of the ideas but aren't working at the necessary level and are unlikely to perform well on tests.

Demonstrate your understanding