How many intervals from extreme point to equilibrium, or from equilibrium to extreme point, occur between the first 'hit' and the second 'hit'? Explain how your description differs from that of the motion between release and the first 'hit'.
How many intervals from extreme point to equilibrium, or from equilibrium to extreme point, occur between release and the second 'hit', and how does this differ from the motion between the second 'hit' and the fourth 'hit'?
How many intervals from extreme point to equilibrium, or from equilibrium to extreme point, occur between the second 'hit' and the fourth 'hit', and how does this differ from a similar description of the motion between the fourth 'hit' and the sixth 'hit'?
Why would we expect that the first time interval (release to 2d 'hit') should be shorter than the subsequent timed intervals (2d to 4th, 4th to 6th, etc.)?
Would we expect subsequent time intervals to increase, decrease or stay the same?
What evidence does this experiment provide for or against the hypothesis that the length of a pendulum's swing depends only on its length, and is independent of how far it actually swings?