The Vice President of Instruction and Student Services is the chief academic and student services officer of the College and is responsible to the President. The specific responsibilities of the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services including the following:

  1. Providing leadership for the professional staff in the educational and student services programs and, as a member of the College's administrative staff, participating in the development of policies and programs for the entire College.

  2. Supervising Deans.
    1. Advising and counseling in the choice and evaluation of faculty and making recommendations to the President concerning appointment, non-reappointment, promotion and salary.

    2. Guiding the faculty in setting the standards and developing the methods and procedures for evaluating instruction and instructional personnel.

    3. Participating in instructional activities of the faculty. Keeping the President of the College informed of faculty activities, problems, and achievements; and presenting faculty requests, opinions, and problems to the President.

    4. Participating in the development of budgets in accordance with the procedures outlined in this manual.

    5. Supervising the scheduling of classes, faculty members, and rooms, and giving final approval of the courses to be scheduled.

    6. Providing leadership in the development and implementation of effective programs of continuing education, counseling, advising, and testing of students with respect to their educational, vocational, and social objectives.

  3. Supervising the Director of Admissions, Records, and Financial Aid in the implementation of admissions and financial aid policies and in the proper functioning of that office.

  4. Supervising the Director of Library and Instructional Services in the implementation of an effective program of service to the students and faculty of the College and in the development of a comprehensive program of services to evening students and faculty.

  5. Coorginating the development of an effective program of social, recreational, and co-curricular activities; and in student placement functions. Exercising general supervision of student organizations and in the preparation of the student activities budget.

  6. Providing leadership across the instructional and student services areas for the College's institutional effectiveness processes including, but not limited to the following: strategic planning, division/departmental annual planning and evaluation cycle, program review, student outcomes assessment, and core competency assessment.
  7. Serving as resource person in keeping the staff acquainted with significant and relevant research in various educational and student service program areas.

  8. Assuming responsibility for student discipline.

  9. Serving as Acting President when the President is absent from the campus.

  10. Fulfilling all other functions as may be designated by the President.