The Percentages will grow progressivly larger as the graph increases

The main idea is to be able to guess the ratio of two objects.

you wanted us to learn that they cant stay the sAME AND GO UP IN PERCENTS

The change in the slope of the graphs increases. In other words the change in slope changes.

That the growth in the lines on the graph grew at a constant rate while varying slightly.know your formulas and how to apply them.

The lines cannot be the same percentages. They grow quickly. They grow by a similar percent each time.

The lines cannot be the same percentages. They grow quickly. They grow by a similar percent each time.

how to use a formula to find the area of a trapezoid and rectangle. how to judge the percentage of growth of different lines on a graph.

The percentages of lines compared to each other won't be the same on a graph because the lines are going to grow at a certain rate.

i think that his main idea is trying to teach us how to find areas and measurements of trapazoids and rectangles and teach us how to use them to measure on graphs.

There are slight differences between things and gifferent ways of perspective to looking at problems.

Main thoughts:
1; to find area use a=x*y and you can use x/a to get y or y/a to get x.

2; in y=x^2 and y=2^x graphs, the percent of the line increase is never an equal percent.
-The ratios of the y-axis lenghts on graphs DO NOT stay constant when comparing them to other graphs.
-When finding the area, always keep the units.
-Explain your questions IN DETAIL so both you and the instructor can understand your question at a later date.

*How to judge the percentage of growth by looking at the different lengths of the lines.

*How to use formulas and how to correctly get the correct units with the correct answer without using a calculator

The graph shows the way that information can show how it might increase outside the graph even though it doesn't go that far.