Distribute dominoes on the strap so that the distances from the center of the strap to the center of the domino are in the same proportion as the numbers in the last column, with the center of the furthest domino at a distance of 14 cm from the center of the strap. Rotate the strap and observe the angular position vs. clock time. Calculate average angular velocity for each timed interval. Graph average angular velocity vs. clock time and find the slope of the best-fit straight line. whose distribution was closest to the class mean? what does that mean? estimate center point then load to percent of max dist noah 0.7 0.4 7.700625 10.99475069 13.42326965 1.17 6.93 5.313025 10.33086736 11.61701576 2.2 0.25 1.625625 12.01200069 12.12150227 2.34 7 1.288225 10.78575069 10.86240957 2.79 4.2 0.469225 0.234417361 0.524522259 2.81 1.96 0.442225 3.082950694 3.11450605 3.48 3.65 2.5E-05 0.004334028 0.0043341 4.5 3.78 1.050625 0.004117361 1.050633068 5.14 5.5 2.772225 3.183250694 4.221174769 6 1.15 6.375625 6.583500694 9.164664507 6.92 2.77 11.868025 0.894600694 11.90169432 3.65 7 0.030625 10.78575069 10.78579417 41.7 44.59 3.475 3.715833333 mean x mean y x dev squared y dev squared distance from mean alex 1 2.75 7.793402778 1.12890625 7.874741658 3.5 2.5 0.085069444 1.72265625 1.724755451 4.5 2.5 0.501736111 1.72265625 1.794236239 5.5 2.5 2.918402778 1.72265625 3.388896477 3.5 3.25 0.085069444 0.31640625 0.327642679 4 3.25 0.043402778 0.31640625 0.319369247 4.5 3.25 0.501736111 0.31640625 0.593171173 5 3.25 1.460069444 0.31640625 1.493959738 1 5 7.793402778 1.41015625 7.919953757 2 5.5 3.210069444 2.84765625 4.291117798 3 6 0.626736111 4.78515625 4.826025123 8 6 17.71006944 4.78515625 18.34514323 45.5 45.75 3.791666667 3.8125 mean x mean y x dev squared y dev squared distance from mean michael 1 6 19.140625 2.312934028 19.27986486 1.5 2 15.015625 6.146267361 16.22484504 2 4 11.390625 0.229600694 11.39293879 4 1.25 1.890625 10.42751736 10.59752713 4 4.5 1.890625 0.000434028 1.89062505 4 5.5 1.890625 1.042100694 2.158804472 9.5 5 17.015625 0.271267361 17.01778717 9.5 6 17.015625 2.312934028 17.17210406 7 5.5 2.640625 1.042100694 2.838815642 7.25 5 3.515625 0.271267361 3.526075031 7.25 3 3.515625 2.187934028 4.140854314 7.5 6 4.515625 2.312934028 5.073512881 64.5 53.75 5.375 4.479166667 mean x mean y x dev squared y dev squared distance from mean zeb 1 6 18.0625 2.506944444 18.23564303 3 5 5.0625 0.340277778 5.07392306 3 2 5.0625 5.840277778 7.72902004 5 5 0.0625 0.340277778 0.345969964 6 6 0.5625 2.506944444 2.56927552 6 4 0.5625 0.173611111 0.588682485 6 2 0.5625 5.840277778 5.867303535 7 6 3.0625 2.506944444 3.95773631 7 6 3.0625 2.506944444 3.95773631 7 4 3.0625 0.173611111 3.067417003 8 6 7.5625 2.506944444 7.967193778 4 1 1.5625 11.67361111 11.77771636 63 53 5.25 4.416666667 mean x mean y x dev squared y dev squared distance from mean deeanna 1.2 0.5 2.006944444 12.84027778 12.9961748 3 2 0.146944444 4.340277778 4.342764541 4.9 2.1 5.213611111 3.933611111 6.53108239 5.1 3.8 6.166944444 0.080277778 6.167466928 0.5 4.2 4.480277778 0.013611111 4.480298453 1.2 3.9 2.006944444 0.033611111 2.007225874 2.3 4.2 0.100277778 0.013611111 0.101197308 2.9 2.9 0.080277778 1.400277778 1.402577048 1.3 6.1 1.733611111 4.066944444 4.421023026 1.8 6.5 0.666944444 5.840277778 5.87823608 2.5 6.1 0.013611111 4.066944444 4.066967221 4.7 6.7 4.340277778 6.846944444 8.106704596 31.4 49 2.616666667 4.083333333 mean x mean y x dev squared y dev squared distance from mean hunter 1 0.2 2.805625 5.921111111 6.55218196 1 1.8 2.805625 0.694444444 2.890291461 1 3.2 2.805625 0.321111111 2.823941215 1 3.2 2.805625 0.321111111 2.823941215 1.8 3.2 0.765625 0.321111111 0.830237307 1 2 2.805625 0.401111111 2.834152742 2 2 0.455625 0.401111111 0.607029047 3 5 0.105625 5.601111111 5.602106954 4 1.7 1.755625 0.871111111 1.959860635 5 1 5.405625 2.667777778 6.028085924 5.8 2.8 9.765625 0.027777778 9.765664506 5.5 5.5 7.980625 8.217777778 11.45522793 32.1 31.6 2.675 2.633333333 mean x mean y x dev squared y dev squared distance from mean tyler 0.8 5.1 10.58960069 6.587777778 12.47150588 2.15 1.1 3.625850694 2.054444444 4.16743749 2.05 0.75 4.016684028 3.180277778 5.12327213 2.2 1.9 3.437934028 0.401111111 3.461254181 4.15 0.9 0.009184028 2.667777778 2.667793586 4.2 1.6 0.021267361 0.871111111 0.871370684 4.1 1.35 0.002100694 1.400277778 1.400279354 4.4 6.1 0.119600694 12.72111111 12.72167333 6.1 5.65 4.185434028 9.713611111 10.57696076 6.7 2.5 7.000434028 0.001111111 7.000434116 7.7 1.55 13.29210069 0.966944444 13.32722486 4.1 1.9 0.002100694 0.401111111 0.401116612 48.65 30.4 4.054166667 2.533333333 mean x mean y x dev squared y dev squared distance from mean anna 0 6 7.933611111 4.083767361 8.922967058 0.9 6.1 3.673611111 4.497934028 5.807480445 0 0 7.933611111 15.83376736 17.71017713 2 1 0.666944444 8.875434028 8.90045752 2.5 1.5 0.100277778 6.146267361 6.147085334 2.6 4.65 0.046944444 0.450017361 0.452459287 3.5 4.9 0.466944444 0.847934028 0.968002701 6 3.75 10.13361111 0.052517361 10.1337472 5.6 3 7.746944444 0.958767361 7.806047853 7 6 17.50027778 4.083767361 17.97044457 1.85 6 0.934444444 4.083767361 4.189312865 1.85 4.85 0.934444444 0.758350694 1.203445967 33.8 47.75 2.816666667 3.979166667 mean x mean y x dev squared y dev squared distance from mean dakota 8 2 14.66251736 2.454444444 14.86652995 0.5 4.5 13.47501736 0.871111111 13.50314509 1.3 5 8.241684028 2.054444444 8.493885895 2 2 4.712517361 2.454444444 5.313390387 3.5 4 0.450017361 0.187777778 0.487622927 4 5.3 0.029184028 3.004444444 3.004586182 4 0 0.029184028 12.72111111 12.72114459 4.25 4 0.006267361 0.187777778 0.18788234 4.5 3.5 0.108350694 0.004444444 0.10844181 4.5 3 0.108350694 0.321111111 0.338898537 6.5 5 5.425017361 2.054444444 5.800996065 7 4.5 8.004184028 0.871111111 8.051446859 50.05 42.8 4.170833333 3.566666667 mean x mean y x dev squared y dev squared distance from mean patrick 0 7 25 4.694444444 25.43693788 2 2 9 8.027777778 12.060067 4 1 1 14.69444444 14.7284316 4 4 1 0.694444444 1.217478167 4 5 1 0.027777778 1.000385728 4 6 1 1.361111111 1.688971124 4 7 1 4.694444444 4.799771728 7 2 4 8.027777778 8.969125713 7 5 4 0.027777778 4.000096449 7 6 4 1.361111111 4.225236497 8 7 9 4.694444444 10.15075409 9 6 16 1.361111111 16.05779012 60 58 5 4.833333333 mean x mean y x dev squared y dev squared distance from mean