
Class Notes Precalculus I, 12/02/98

Combining Functions Graphically

Given the graph of y = f(x), we obtain the graph of y = A f(x) by multiplying each y value of original graph by A.


We have previously seen this process of vertical stretching illustrated in detail for the y = x2 function.


We can contrast vertical stretching with the vertical shifting that results from the transformation y = f(x) + c.


We have previously seen this shifting process illustrated for the function y = x 2.


We have also seen the shifting behavior that relates the graph of y = x2 to that of y = (x-h)2.

The graph of y = f(x-h) is in general related to the graph of y = f(x) in a similar manner.

As illustrated on the table below, at x = -1, 0 and 1, the function y = f(x) takes values f(-1), f(0) and f(1), whereas the function f(x-h) takes these values at x = h-1, h and h+1.


The result of these observations is illustrated on the graph below.


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We now consider how to graphically add the functions y = f(x) and y = g(x) shown below.


Subtraction would follow a similar pattern, but for the function f(x) - g(x), for example, we would turn the g(x) vector 'upside down' before placing it head-to-tail with the f(x) vector.


We now consider the process of multiplying two functions.


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Since the velocity v0x we are seeking is found by multiplying v0 by the factor `sqrt(L2 - h2) / L, we can obtain a graph of v0x vs. x by multiplying the graphs of the two functions.

The resulting 'red' point graph shows us how the initial x velocity v0x, obtained by multiplying the graph of v0 vs. h by the graph of `sqrt(l2-h2)/L vs. h, changes as the ramp is raised.


We can further illustrate the behavior of the ball.

We begin by sketching the graph just obtained for v0x vs. h, indicated on the figure below.

Since v0x is 0 at h = 0 and at h = L, the product function will also be zero at these points.

We note also that `dt = 1 at the indicated point of the y axis, so that for our sketch `dt is initially greater than 1.


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The resulting function for x = v0x * `dt has the expected behavior, with the range of the ball  increasing from x = 0 to a maximum then decreasing back to x = 0.


These examples should illustrate how the concept and the process of multiplication of functions can help illuminate real-world events. They should also illustrate a few important principles to be used in multiplying functions. The basic principles are these:

To these we can add the following:


We illustrate these ideas by multiplying graphically the functions y = f(x) (in blue, on the graph below) and y = g(x) (in green on the graph below).




The graphs below are closeups of important regions of the original graph.








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