Assignments Table, Full Version
It is assumed that you have either completed the tasks specified in the Initial Activities (these are specified, in large red letters, in the menu in the left-hand frame of your Homepage), or are in the process of reviewing this document according to instructions in those activities.
You will not understand how to complete or submit assignments until you previously completed the tasks in the Initial Activities.
Text and labs are bottom line.
1st phase: learn about motion and mathematical techniques, experience basic systems, get up to speed while getting used to the text (assts 1-6)
Videos are embedded in the document, which contains a series of class notes from an earlier class. You can access these notes at the link
This link also appears as the heading in the 8th column of the Assignments Page. The numbers in that column refer to the number of the specific Class Notes document corresponding to an assignment.
Some assignments are primarily associated with more than one Class Notes document, while some assignments do not mention a specific Class Notes document.
Each assignment is preceded by the following row of headings:
Asst |
qa |
seed |
lab/activity |
text |
outline |
other |
query |
The same headings are expanded below, with some explanation:
Asst (the number of the asst) |
qa (qa document to worked through and submitted at the beginning of the asst) |
seed (questions to be opened, worked and submitted) |
(worked problems with explanations, to be completely mastered as a rudimentary core of understanding) |
lab/activity (instructions for hands-on activities and labs, to be opened, conducted using lab materials, and submitted) |
text (assignment from the text, including assigned text sections and end-of-chapter problems) |
outline (there might not be any information under this heading; outline is now provided for each module) |
(click on the link and view the Class Notes (video links do not work online), or run from DVD for version with working video links; take notes) |
other (miscellaneous information to help organize your knowledge, as well as some problems to be submitted early in the course) |
query (document to be submitted at end of assignment, will ask about various things done in assignment, including selected assigned problems, labs, activities, class notes) |
Order of tasks:
Table of Assignments and Specific Objectives
This is the official assignments table for the course. This version contains a great deal of information about goals, specific objectives and contents of various documents. There is, in fact, more information than you will need for routine use.
The Brief Assignments Page (see the menu in the Contents frame) might be more convenient for day-to-day use.
Symbols used in this course:
Note that symbols might not be
correctly represented by your browser. For this reason the Greek
letters will be spelled out, with ` in front of the spelling. You
should substitute the appropriate symbol when making notes.
The table below might or
might not represent the
symbols correctly:
Module 1: Preliminary Assignment - Assignment 8 Major Quiz over Module 1 is assigned as part of Assignment 10 |
Summary of Main Ideas in Module 1Having completed and reviewed your work in the assignments comprising this Module you should understand these ideas and be able to apply them to solving problems and analyzing real-world situations. Idea 1: Units and Rates are Keys to Understanding When we do calculations we always write down and think about the meaning of the units of the quantities involved. This is a very time-effective strategy for catching errors and for developing the ability to think through and solve problems. We also do the algebra involved in determining the units of our results. Simple rates are easy and natural if they concern money and the rate at which it is earned, and fairly easy in the context of velocity as rate of change of position. While thinking in the context of money or motion, simple rate problems can be solved using common sense. Definition of an average rate: The average rate of change of A with respect to B is
An average rate of change of a quantity with respect to clock time is represented as the slope between two points of a graph of that quantity vs. clock time. The change of a quantity during a short time interval is approximated by the area under the trapezoid formed by the graph of the rate of change of the quantity with respect to clock time vs. time clock time, for that time interval. Idea 2: Velocity and Acceleration as Rates Velocity and acceleration are defined as rates:
The average velocity of an object moving along a straight line is therefore represented by the slope of a graph of position vs. clock time.
Idea 3: Applying the Ideas of Rates to Position, Velocity and Acceleration All the concepts of rates apply to position, velocity and acceleration and their relationships. Applying the concepts of rates we see that changes in position and velocity can be obtained from knowledge of velocities and accelerations, respectively:
The velocity of an object may change at a constant, an increasing, or a decreasing rate; the graph of velocity vs. clock time will reveal which. If the velocity of an object changes at a constant rate, i.e., if the object accelerates uniformly, then
** For uniform acceleration, a(t) = a = constant, so
If an object accelerates uniformly over a time interval then the average velocity is halfway between the initial and final velocities. It follows that the change from the initial to the average velocity is the same as the change from the average velocity to the final velocity. Initial, average and final velocities will be 'equally spaced'.
Idea 5: Sequential Observations and Graphical Representation of Positions and Velocities If the position of an object is observed a series of clock times, its average velocity `ds/ `dt over each time interval can be easily determined. From the resulting approximate average velocity vs. clock time information we can then estimate the approximate average rate `dv /` dt at which velocities change between midpoint times, giving us an approximate graph of acceleration vs. clock time. If the velocity of an object is observed at a series of clock times, its approximate average velocity over each time interval is easily determined. The approximate distance the object moves over each time interval is then easily found. From the distances moved over the successive time intervals, the total change in the position of the object from the first clock time to any other clock time is then easily calculated. Given a graph of velocity vs. clock time over a range of clock times, we can partition the graph by a series of time intervals.
Given a graph of position vs. clock time over a range of clock times, we can partition the graph by a series of time intervals.
The velocity vs. time graph will represent the slopes of the resulting position vs. time graph; the position vs. time graph will represent the accumulated areas under the velocity vs. time graph. ** This observation is equivalent to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The position vs. clock time, velocity vs. clock time, and rate of velocity change vs.clock time (i.e., acceleration vs. clock time) chronicles can be represented by graphs, with the 'y' coordinate of each graph representing the rates of change, or slopes, of the preceding graph. (i.e., the velocity graph represents as 'y' coordinates the slopes of the position graph, the acceleration graph represents at 'y' coordinates the slopes of the velocity graph). Idea 6: Newton's First Law and situations involving Uniform Acceleration The rate at which the velocity of an object changes is called its acceleration. Acceleration is rate of change of velocity. If an object is accelerating in the direction of its motion, it is speeding up. If it is accelerating in the direction opposite to that of its motion, it is slowing down.
If an object accelerates perpendicular to its direction of motion, with zero acceleration in its direction of motion, then its direction of motion will change but its speed will not. Newton's First Law observes that, in the absence of a net force, an object will not accelerate. An object which does not accelerate will change neither its speed nor its direction of motion. In the vicinity of the surface of the Earth any freely falling object is observed to accelerate at very nearly the same constant rate, independent of where on Earth it is. A falling object, or an object on a uniform incline, which accelerates freely without resistance accelerates uniformly. On a uniform incline whose slope as measured from the horizontal direction is small this acceleration is very nearly equal to the product of the acceleration of gravity and the slope. An object accelerating freely, except for the influence of friction, on a uniform incline with small slope will have greater acceleration for greater slope. The change in the acceleration from one slope to another will be very nearly equal to the product of the acceleration of gravity and the difference in the ramp slopes. Thus the slope of a graph of acceleration vs. ramp slope will be very nearly equal to the acceleration of gravity. When an object is in free fall near the surface of the Earth, with no external forces other than gravity acting on it, the net force on the object is vertical, with no horizontal component.
Idea 7: Reasoning Out and Formulating Uniformly Accelerated Motion We can organize our thinking about a problem by using simple 'flow diagrams' showing the 'flow' of our reasoning. These diagrams can be extremely useful in 'mapping out' our solution strategies on complex situations. For uniformly accelerated motion in one direction, we can reason out the motion using the quantities `ds, `dt, v0, vf, a, `dv, and vAve, and in terms of the units of these quantities.
To formulate uniformly accelerated motion in terms of `ds, `dt, v0, vf, and a, we begin by formulating the definitions of average acceleration and average velocity in terms of these five variables, obtaining the two equations `ds = (vf + v0) / 2 * `dt and vf = v0 + a * `dt.
Preliminary Assignment (This assignment should have been completed as part of the Initial Activities) |
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1.1 – 1.7 |
View Physics material on GEN 1 CD and ponder questions posed in documentation. View also Calculus material on that CD. |
ball on incline, rotating strap |
B5. rates |
Technical statement of objectives:
0.01 Relate {`ds, `dt, vAve} `ds is the displacement of an object during an interval, `dt is the change in clock time during the interval and v_Ave is the average velocity during the interval. ('object' is no yet distinguished from 'particle') Introductory Problem Set 1 , hands-on activities 0.02 Measure the positions of objects and/or events, relative to a reference point and reference directions. Initial Timing Experiment 0.03 Estimate and justify estimates of uncertainties in measurement of positions and clock time. Initial Timing Experiment 0.04 Using measurements of position vs. clock time for two events determine the average velocity corresponding to the interval between the events, and based on uncertainty estimates determine the uncertainty in the result. Initial Timing Experiment 0.05 Include units at every step of every calculation for every quantity which has units, do the algebra of the units, compare units obtained with units expected at every step, where units errors exist identify and correct.
All objectives can be achieved using prerequisite knowledge of fractions and the algebra of fractional quantities. Universal common practice in all calculations in all queries, qa’s, class notes, text problems.
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Formatting Guidelines and Conventions PHeT 1.26 Estimation
rubber bands |
Memorize This Idea 1 B6. areas PhET 1.16 Estimation |
1.01 Know class guidelines for formatting data using text format. Formatting Guidelines and Conventions 1.02 Compute and interpret within the context of an experiment the mean and standard deviation of a set of observed values. Error Analysis I 1.03 Know verbatim the definition of ‘average rate of change of A with respect to B’. ‘seed’ problem 1.1. 1.04 Apply the definition of average rate of change to identify the appropriate quantities and relate {`ds, vAve, `dt, average rate of change of position with respect to clock time}. ‘seed’ problem 1.1, Introductory Problem Set, qa_01 1.05 Relate {observed value of a quantity, uncertainty in observed value, percent uncertainty} Assumed general knowledge from elementary and secondary mathematics prerequisite to prerequisite courses; Text Chapter 1 also includes examples |
Asst |
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2.1 – 2.3 |
measure dominoes |
#01 |
Rand Prob Asst 2 Prob 1 Memorize This Idea 2 B7. volumes |
Technical Statement of Objectives:
02.01 Relate {v0, vf, a_Ave, `dt, `dv, average rate of change of velocity with respect to clock time, average rate of change of position with respect to clock time, definition of average rate} based on the definition of average rate, where v0 and vf are the velocities of an object at the beginning and end of an interval, a_Ave is the average acceleration on the interval, `dt the change in clock time during the interval, `dv the change in velocity during the interval Class Notes, Introductory Problem Sets, ‘Seed’ problems ... related in context of ... fundamental systems etc ... and extend to arbitrary situations 02.02 Relate {v0, vf, a_Ave, `dt, `dv, `ds, v_Ave, average rate of change of velocity with respect to clock time, average rate of change of position with respect to clock time, definition of average rate} where `ds is the change in position, v_Ave is average velocity and other quantities are as previously defined Class Notes, Introductory Problem Sets, ‘Seed’ problems 02.03 Relate {v0, vf, a_Ave, `dt, `dv, `ds, v_Ave, definition of average rate, v vs. t ‘graph trapezoid’, ‘graph altitudes’, ‘trapezoid width’, slope, area} within the context of a graph in the v vs. t plane and the 'graph trapezoid' defined by v0, vf and `dt Class Notes, Introductory Problem Sets, ‘Seed’ problems 02.04 Hand-sketch a straight line to ‘best fit’ a set of y vs. t data, determine the slope of the sketched line, determine the equation of the sketched line. Fitting a Straight Line |
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Measuring Distortion of Paper Rulers
121 alt: Brief Experiment: Paper Rulers) |
velocity and `dy |
#02-03 |
Rand Prob Asst 3 Rand Prob Week 2 Quiz 1 Memorize This Idea 3 |
Objectives: … objectives are typically reinforced throughout the course, especially in subsequent assignments; listed at first encounter
Technical Statements of Objectives: 03.01 Trapezoidal approximation graph: Relate {(t_i, y_i), segment [(t_i, 0) – (t_i, y_i) ) | 0 <= i <= n} U {slope_i, area_i, accumulatedArea_i, segment [(x_(i-1), y_(i-1) ) | 1 <= i <= n} U {rateOfSlopeChange_i, 1 <= i <= n-1 } U {graph labeling conventions} 03.02 Use a ‘trapezoidal approximation graph’ of v vs. t to infer a graph of position vs. t Class Notes, Introductory Problem Sets, ‘Seed’ problems 03.03 Relate and symbolize relationship: {v0, vf, a_Ave, `dt, `dv, `ds, v_Ave, definition of rate, v vs. t ‘graph trapezoid’, ‘graph altitudes’, ‘trapezoid width’, slope, area} Class Notes, Introductory Problem Sets, ‘Seed’ problems 03.04 Relate in context of a ball accelerating from rest down a ramp: {v0, vf, a_Ave, `dt, `dv, `ds, v_Ave, definition of rate, v vs. t ‘graph trapezoid’, ‘graph altitudes’, ‘trapezoid width’, slope, area} Class Notes, Introductory Problem Sets, ‘Seed’ problems 03.05 {SI units, metric prefixes, 1 inch = 2.54 cm, conversions of length, conversions of area, conversions of volume} General elementary and secondary knowledge, Text Ch 1, common practice in all materials, orientation exercises
03.06 Accuracy and precision of measuring instruments Measuring Distortion of Paper Rulers, Text Ch 1 03.07 Relate and symbolize: {v0, vf, v_Ave, `dv, `dt, `ds, a, `ds, definitions of v_Ave and a_Ave}
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Rotating Straw, Opposing Rubber Bands PHeT 2.24 Moving Man |
(text_04) |
force on marble on incline |
#04 |
Rand Prob Asst 4
04.01 Using measurements of position vs. clock time for a series of intervals, determine average velocity on each interval. 04.02 Flow experiment analysis: Relate {(t_i, y_i), segment [(t_i, 0) – (t_i, y_i) ) | 0 <= i <= n} U {slope_i, area_i, accumulatedArea_i, segment [(x_(i-1), y_(i-1) ) | 1 <= i <= n} U {rateOfSlopeChange_i, 1 <= i <= n-1 } U {graph, graph labeling conventions} -> {(t_mid_i, v_Ave_i) | 1 <= i <= n} -> {s(t) = A t^2 + B t + C} where t_i is the ith clock time and y_i the ith vertical position observed in the flow experiment, t_mid_i the clock time at the midpoint of the ith interval class notes 04.03 Relate {`dtheta, `dt, omega_Ave} rotating straw, opposing rubber bands 04.04 Relate {(L_a_i, L_b_i) | 1 <= i <= n} U {(L_a_i, L_c_i) | 1 <= i <= n} U {rate_ba, rate_ca, rate_cb} where L_a_i, L_b_i, L_c_i are lengths of opposing elastic objects, rate_xy is the rate at which elastic object x changes length with respect to change in length of elastic object y } rotating straw, opposing rubber bands
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5.1 |
2.4 – 2.6 |
The Pearl Pendulum |
buoyant balance |
#05-06 |
Memorize This Idea 4
synopsis of principles and common errors in analysis of motion
synopsis: Understand ideas 1-3
Rand Prob week 3 quiz 1 |
Technical Statements:
05.01 Use ‘flow diagrams’ to relate {`ds, `dt, v_Ave, `dv, v0, vf, a} Class Notes 05.02 Relate {(`dt_i, h_i, L_i,) | 1 <= i <= n} U { a_i, rampSlope_i | 1 <= i <= n} U {graphSlope}, where `dt_i is the time required to accelerate down a ramp of length L_i one of whose ends is elevated a vertical distance h_i above the other, a_i is the acceleration on that ramp, rampSlope_i is the slope of the ramp relative to horizontal, and graphSlope is the slope of the graph of the a_i vs. rampSlope_i. Class Notes, Timing a Ball Down a Ramp
05.03 Estimate the uncertainties in graphSlope in terms of the uncertainties in observations of {(`dt_i, h_i, L_i,) | 1 <= i <= n}. Timing a Ball Down a Ramp 05.04 Observe and quantify the periodic behavior of a pendulum by measuring, relative to time of release, clock times at which it returns to its equilibrium point and associated time intervals. The Pearl Pendulum 05.05 Time a ball down a ramp at various slopes. Determine which slope increments result in observable differences in the results, speculate on the minimal slope increment for which timing with the TIMER program could distinguish the change. Timing a Ball Down a Ramp, Class Notes 05.06 Reason out the first two equations of uniformly accelerated motion by drawing all possible conclusions from given v0, vf, `dt, and depict the reasoning using flow diagrams. Class Notes, qa_05
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Units, Meaurements, Uncertainties(University Physics also includes Vectors) |
colliding marbles |
#07 |
Memorize This Ideas 5 and 6 Rand Prob week 2 quiz 2 synopsis: Understand ideas 4, 5, 6, 7 |
Technical Statements:
06.01 Identify appropriate interval(s) and the quantities v0, vf, `dt, a, `ds, aAve, `dv, v_Ave for each interval, when they appear in problems or in hands-on situations. ‘seed’ problem 06.02 Observe and record force vs. length characteristics for rubber bands, use results to predict length for given force and force for given length rubber band calibrations 06.03 Derive the first two equations of motion by analyzing the implications of v0, vf and `dt; derivate the third and fourth equations by eliminating v_f and `dt, respectively, from the first two class notes 06.04 List the combinations of three of the five quantities v0, vf, `dt, `ds and a, and identify which of the 10 possible combinations can be reasoned out using only the definitions of average velocity and average acceleration. 06.05 For any uniform-acceleration situation in which three of the five quantities v0, vf, `dt, `ds and a are known, be able to use the equations to find the other two. Qa_06 |
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7.17.2 |
Error Analysis Part II, Data Program PHeT 3.51 Motion in 2D |
Uniformly Accelerated Motion in 1 dimension |
measuring g |
Memorize This Idea 7 Rand Prob week 3 quiz |
Technical Statements:
07.01 Measure the acceleration of gravity, establish that this quantity is independent of mass qa_07 07.02 Using technology calculate {( (y_i – y_(i-1)) / (t_i – t(i-1) ), t_mid_i = (t_(i-1) + t_i) / 2 | 1 <= i <= n} when given {(t_i, y_i) | 0 <= i <= n}. Error Analysis Part II, Data Program |
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8.18.2 |
Hypothesis Testing with Time Intervals PHeT 3.43 Projectile Motion |
(text_08) |
torque and rotation |
Rand Prob week 4 quiz 1 |
Technical Statement:
08.01 Know and apply the acceleration of gravity to the uniformly accelerated motion of objects in vertical free fall. qa_08 |
Test #1 (cumulative through Module 2) assigned as part of Assignment 21 |
Summary of Main Ideas in Module 2Having completed and reviewed your work in the assignments comprising this Module you should understand these ideas and be able to apply them to solving problems and analyzing real-world situations. Idea 8: Newton's Laws of Motion Newton's First Law tells us that whenever the net force on an object is 0, the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the object will not change.
From Newton's First Law we conclude some useful things:
Newton's Third Law tells us that for every force exerted on an object by some source the object exerts an equal and opposite force on the source. From Newton's Third Law we conclude some useful things:
Using Newton's Third Law and similar principles we can sketch and analyze the forces acting on any system we care to define. Newton's Second Law tells us that the net force Fnet required to accelerate a mass m at rate a is Fnet = m * a. Standard situations include:
Idea 9: Work (net force applied through displacement) and the Work-Energy Theorem We compare the effect of applying a net force F to a mass m
If we apply a net force Fnet to a mass m while that mass moves through the displacement `ds in the direction of the force, the object's velocity in that direction changes at rate a = F / m. The effect of this force on the velocity of the object is found by substituting a = F / m into the equation vf^2 = v0^2 + 2 a `ds.
The above statement is the most rudimentary form of the Work-Energy Theorem:
We can observe that by Newton's Third Law the work done by the net force on a system must be equal and opposite to the work done by the system against that net force, so that
and that therefore
If it is understood that `dW stands for the work done BY the system and `dKE for the KE change of the system we have
In all cases it is understood that the displacement is the displacement in the direction of the force. Idea 10: Impulse (force applied over time interval) and Momentum; Conservation of Momentum In contrast to the situation where we apply a net force through a give displcacement, here we apply the net force over a given time interval. If we apply a net force Fnet to a mass m for a time interval `dt, the effect of the force is found by substituting a = F / m into the equation vf = v0 + a * `dt. We obtain the equation
We call the quantity mv the momentum of the object and the quantity Fnet * `dt the impulse of the force. The statement that Fnet * `dt = m vf - m v0 can therefore be restated as
This is called the Impulse-Momentum Theorem.
By Newton's Third Law the forces exerted by two interacting objects one one another are equal and opposite. It follows that the impulses applied by the object to one another are equal and opposite. Hence the net change in momentum is equal and opposite. This idea is easily extended to any closed system of objects--i.e., any system in which the only forces exerted on the objects in the system are exerted by other objects (and in fact to any system where the vector sum of all the forces exerted on the system is zero). Impulses in such a system are applied in the form of equal and opposite forces, resulting in equal and opposite momentum changes. The result is that the net momentum change of the system must always be zero, so that the total momentum of the system remains constant.
The Work-Energy Theorem can be restated in terms of conservative and nonconservative forces, introducing the idea of potential energy.
The work done against a conservative force is therefore considered to be 'stored' in the system until it is released; upon release it can perform work on another system and/or increase the kinetic energy of the system.
A nonconservative force is one from which we can get back none of the work done against this force.
Recall the Work-Energy Theorem:
If we denote by `dWnoncons only the work done against nonconservative forces in a system and by `dPE the work done by the system against conservative forces, then `dW = `dWnoncons + `dWcons and the Work-Energy Theorem can be restated as follows:
A vector quantity is one that has magnitude and direction. Examples include velocity, acceleration, force and momentum.
Vector quantities have magnitude and direction and include, among many others, displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, momentum and gravitational field. The following, among many others, have no direction and therefore not vector quantities: distance, time, mass, volume, density, energy. Important applications of vectors to forces include the following:
Asst |
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3.1-3.6 |
Analysis of Initial Ball Down Ramp DataDeterioration of Difference Quotients |
(text_09) |
#08-09 |
09.01 Relate {F_grav, weight, F_net, m, a, g} where F_grav is the force exerted by gravity on mass m, a is the acceleration of the mass, g the acceleration of gravity, weight is the weight of the mass, F_net the net force acting on the mass qa_09
09.02 Explain how uncertainties in measurement of position and timing tend to be multiplied in calculations of velocity, which errors are then multiplied once more in calculations of acceleration. Deterioration of Difference Quotients 09.03 Demonstrate how curve fitting can mitigate the multiplication of errors inherent in calculations by successive difference quotients. Deterioration of Difference Quotients 09.04 Relate {F_net, a, m, `dW, `ds} where `dW is the work done on the mass by the net force, `ds the displacement of the mass, and other quantities are as defined previously Class Notes
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3.7 – 3.12 |
Hypothesis Testing with Data from Pearl Pendulum and Ball Down Ramp |
Rand Prob week 5 quiz 1 Rand Prob week 4 quiz 2
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships lines 10, 11, 12
synopsis: Understand idea 8 |
10.01 Test the hypothesis that two sets of observations of a similar quantity under different conditions indicate a difference due to the change in conditions, using the criterion that the corresponding intervals (mean - 1 standard deviation, mean +_ 1 standard deviation) do not overlap. Hypothesis testing with data from Pearl Pendulum and Ball Down Ramp 10.02 Relate {F_net, m, a, Newton’s Second Law} qa_10, Introductory Problem Sets 10.03 Relate {F_i, 1 <= i <= n} U {F_net, m, a} U {v0, vf, `dv, vAve, `ds, `dt} where F_i is the ith force acting on the point mass m qa_10, Introductory Problem Set 10.04 Explain why a * `ds should be proportional to the change in v^2, according to the fourth equation of uniformly accelerated motion; and why it follows that F_net * `ds should be proportional to the change in m v^2. Class Notes 10.05 Explain how to experimentally demonstrate that a `ds is proportional to change in v^2, and that F_net * `ds is proportional to the change in m v^2. Class Notes |
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see d |
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3.15 – 3.19 |
#10-11 |
Rand Prob week 5 quiz 2 |
11.01 Distinguish forces acting on a system or object from forces exerted by the system or object. 11.02 Distinguish work done on a system or object from work done by the system or object. 11.03 Show how the work-kinetic energy theorem follows from the fourth equation of uniformly accelerated motion and Newton’s Second Law 11.04 Relate {`dW_net, F_net, `ds, `dKE} for an object on a given interval, where `dKE is the change in the KE of the object.
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3.13-3.14 |
#12 |
synopsis: Understand idea 9 |
12.01 Explain how a cart with a number of small weights, a pulley and a hanger can be used to validate that F_net is proportional to acceleration, for a system of constant mass. qa_12, Introset 12.02 Relate {m_1, m_2, fFrict, F_net, F_grav, a} U {`ds, `dt, v0, vf, v_Ave, `dv, `dW_frict, `dW_net, `dKE, `dPE} for two masses suspended by a light string over a light pulley. qa_12, Introset
12.03 Relate {weight_parallel, slope, m, g, weight} for a mass m on a small slope, with weight_parallel being the component of the weight of the mass parallel to the incline qa_12
12.04 Relate {weight_parallel, slope, m, g, mu, F_net, F_frict, a_up, a_down} for a mass on a small slope, where mu is the applicable coefficient of friction, F_frict the frictional force, a_up and a_down the acceleration when the mass is moving up or down the slope, mu the applicable coefficient of friction qa_12
12.05 Relate {`ds_y, v0_y, vf_y, `dt} U {v_x, `ds_x, `dt} for a projectile, especially in the case where v0_y is negligible and `ds_y, `ds_x are known Ball and Ramp projectile behavior
12.06 Using a graph of tension vs. length for an elastic object: {F_tension(L), L, (a, b), F_tension(a), F_tension(b), F_ave_ab, `dW_ab} where F_tension(x) is the tension in a light elastic object at length L, L its length, F_ave_ab is the average tension between lengths a and b, `dW_ab the magnitude of the work done by the tension force as the object is stretched from length a to length b
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3.22 – 3.28 |
Force and acceleration, forces in 1 dimension |
#13 |
Memorize This: Idea 8 |
13.01 Relate {`dW_net_on, F_ave_net, `ds, `dKE} where `ds is the displacement of an object during an interval, `dW_net_on the work done on the object by the net force, F_ave_net the average net force exerted on the object and `dKE the change in its kinetic energy qa_13 13.02 Relate {`dW_on, `dW_by, `dKE, `dPE, `dW_net_on, `dW_net_by, `dW_cons_on, `dW_cons_by} where F_ave is the average value of a force exerted on the object, `dW_on the work done by the force F_ave acting on the object, `dW_by the work done by the object against the net force by the object, `dPE the change in the potential energy of the object, `dW_cons_on the work done by conservative forces acting on the object, `dW_cons_by the work done by the object against conservative forces, and other quantities are as previously defined introset
13.03 Test uniformity of acceleration for a ball coasting from rest on a constant incline. Uniformity of Acceleration for a Ball on a Ramp 13.04 Test uniformity of angular acceleration for a rotating strap coasting to rest; test hypothesis that frictional torque is independent of angular velocity. Analysis of Data from Angular Velocity of a Strap 13.05 Apply Newton's Second Law to the motion of a particle subject to various forces. eg fish line, bicycle and rider |
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5.1 – 5.5 |
Force and acceleration, forces in 1 dimension |
#14 - 15 |
14.01 Relate {`dW_on, `dW_by, `dKE, `dPE, F_grav, `ds, KE_0, KE_f, F_frict, `dy, m} for an automobile on an incline during an interval on which its displacement on the incline is `ds, where KE_0 and KE_f are the automobile's kinetic energy at the beginning and end of the interval, m its mass, F_frict the frictional force acting on it, `dy the change in its vertical position qa_14 14.02 Relate {m, L, F_net, x} for a simple pendulum of mass m, where F_net is the net force and x its position with respect to equilibrium class notes 14.03 Relate {R, theta, R_x, R_y} where R and theta are the magnitude and angle (as measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis), R_x the x component and R_y the y component of a vector 14.04 Relate {R_1, theta_1, R_1_x, R_1_y, R_2, theta_2, R_2_x, R_2_y, R, theta, R_x, R_y}, where R_1 and R_2 are vectors and R the vector sum of R_1 and R_2. |
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4.1 – 4.7 |
Experiment 7, Measuring masses: view only (on DVD) |
Work, kinetic energy, potential energy |
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships lines 25-27, 35-51
synopsis: Understand idea 10 |
15.01 Relate {F_net, `dt, `d(m v), m, `dv, `dp} U {a_Ave, F_ave, v0, vf, `dv} qa_15 15.02 Explain how Newton’s Second Law and the second equation of motion yield the impulse-momentum theorem. qa_15 |
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Conservation of Energy |
synopsis: Understand idea 11 |
16.01 Relate {`ds_y, `dt} U {v_x, `ds_x, `dt} for a projectile whose initial velocity in the vertical direction is zero, where _x and _y denote x and y components of vector quantities qa_16 needed for asst 12 on projectile behavior of ball 16.02 Relate {(x_init_i, y_init_i), (x_term_i, y_term_i), L_i, F_i, theta_i, F_i_x, F_i_y, graph of F_i vs. L_i | 1 <= i <= n} U {F_net_x, F_net_y, theta, F_net} for a combination of linear elastic objects exerting forces on a common point, where L_i and F_i are the length and tension of the ith object, F_net_x and F_net_x the x and y components of the net force exerted on the common point by all the objects, and x_init and x_term are x coordinates of the two ends of an object and y_init and y_term the corresponding y components of the ends. Forces lab
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17.117.2 |
4.8 – 4.12 CD labeled Ph1 Sets 4, 5, 6 |
Conservation of Energy |
#16 - 18 |
synopsis: Understand idea 12
Memorize This: Idea 11 |
17.01 Relate {m_1, m_2, v_1, v_2, v_1’, v_2’} U {elastic, inelastic}, where m_1 and m_2 are the masses of two objects with respective velocities v_1 and v_2 comprising an isolated system, which collide either elastically or inelastically (as specified) and move apart with respective velocities v_1 ' and v_2 ' qa_17, introset 17.02 Relate {m_1, m_2, v_1, v_2, v_1’, v_2’, F_ave, `dt, `dv_1, `dv_2, a_Ave_1, a_Ave_2, `dp_1, `dp_2}, where F_ave is the magnitude of the average force (more specifically time-averaged force) between the objects during the time interval `dt during which they interact, a_Ave_i is the average acceleration of the ith object, `dp is change in momentum, and other quantities are as previously defined.
17.03 Relate {tension_i, length_i | 1 <= i <= n} U {(a, b), `dW_on_ab, `dPE_ab} assuming tension forces to be conservative, where tension_i is the tension exerted by an elastic object when its length is length_i, (a, b) is an interval of length, `dW_on_ab the work done on the elastic object as its length changes from a to b, `dPE_ab is the corresponding change in the elastic potential energy of the object, and all quantities are reasonably approximated force vs. displacement 1 |
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4.13 – 4.20 |
Objectives: 18.01 Relate {F_tension_ave, `dL, `dW_rb_on, `dW_frict, `dPE, `ds, F_frict_by, `dKE} for ‘rail’ experiment, where `dW_rb is the work done by the rubber band on the 'rail', `dPE the potential energy change of the rubber band, F_tension_ave the average tension of the rubber band during the interval of contact with the moving 'rail', `dL the change in the length during the interval, `dW_rb the work done on the 'rail' by the rubber band, `ds the displacement of the 'rail' along the surface on which it slides, F_frict the frictional force between the 'rail' and the surface, `dW_frict_by the work done by the rail against friction, `dKE the change in kinetic energy during the interval of contact with the rubber band energy conversion 1
18.02 Relate {m_1, m_2, v_1_x, v_2_x, v_1_y, v_2_y, v_1_x ‘, v_2_x ‘, v_1_y ‘, v_2_y ‘} U {elastic, inelastic}, where _x and _y denote the x and y components of the vector quantities, for an isolated system of two masses |
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19 | |
Conservation of Momentum, Impulse-momentum |
#19 - 21 |
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships lines 28-34
Memorize This: Idea 10 |
19.01 Relate {m, alpha, theta, g, F_grav_parallel, F_grav_perpendicular, coordinate system}, where alpha is the angle of elevation of the incline, the y axis of the coordinate system is perpendicular to the incline and is directed to that a vector in the upward vertical direction has a positive y component, and theta the angle of the weight of the mass m with respect to the positive x axis of the coordinate system qa_19 19.02 Explain how a force is equivalent to its components. Class notes? 19.03 Relate {v0, theta_0, y_0, `ds_y, `ds_x, `dt, v0_x, v0_y} for a projectile, where theta_0 is the initial angle of elevation, y_0 the initial vertical position, and subscripts _x and _y indicate vector components parallel to the coordinate axes
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5.6 – 5.11 |
PHeT 9.22 Balancing Act |
Conservation of Momentum, Impulse-momentum |
Go to Tests and investigate Test #1. Note that the Physics 121 test covers Introductory Problem Sets 3 and 4 and the experiments done between Assignments 10 and 19, inclusive. Physics 201, 231 and 241 tests cover all material from the first assignment through Assignment 19, but with concentration on Assignments 10 - 19.Objectives:
20.01 Relate {incline, alpha, m_1, m_2, weight_1_parallel, weight_1_perpendicular, F_normal, F_frict, weight_2, mu, F_net, a} for mass m_1 on incline whose angle of elevation is alpha, mass m_2 is suspended over pulley at specified end of the incline, mu the appropriate coefficient of friction between mass and incline qa_20
20.02 Relate {x_i, theta_i, tau_i, F_i | 1 <= i <= n} U {x_fulcrum, tau_net, F_net} where (x_i, 0) is the point at which the line of action of the force F_i is exerted on a rigid object which includes all the points (x_i, 0), theta_i the angle made by the line of action with the positive x axis, tau_i the torque produced by this force about the point (x_fulcrum, 0), tau_net the net torque, F_net the resultant vector force |
Test #2, cumulative through Module 3, Assigned as part of Assignment 34 |
Summary of Main Ideas in Module 3 Having completed and reviewed your work in the assignments comprising this Module you should understand these ideas and be able to apply them to solving problems and analyzing real-world situations. Idea 13: Gravitation is an Inverse-Square Force The gravitational field has units of acceleration, and in the vicinity of a spherically symmetric planet is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center of the planet.
The gravitational force between two point masses m1 and m2 is F = G m1 m2 / r^2, where r is the distance between the masses. Idea 14: For objects in circular orbits, Centripetal Force = Gravitational Force Centripetal acceleration is given by Fcent = v^2 / r, where Fcent is the centripetal force holding the object in its circular path, v the velocity of the object and r the radius of the circle. For a satellite in a circular orbit the centripetal force is the net force, which is equal to the gravitational force. For a satellite with mass m in its orbit around a planet of mass M, with M >> m and r = radius of orbit we therefore have m v^2 / r = G M m / r^2, expressing the equality between centripetal force and gravitational force. This equation is easily solved to obtain an expression for v in terms of orbital radius r. Idea 15: Change in gravitational PE = Average gravitational force * Displacement The gravitational potential energy change between two points is equal to the work required to move the object at constant velocity against the gravitational field, from the first point to the second.
** To get the accurate change in potential integral we must integrate force with respect to distance from the center. This gives us
The precise change in potential energy from one distance r = r1 to another distance r = r2 from center is
The gravitational potential at distance r from the center of the planet is
Gravitational potential is in units of Joules / kg. The change in potential energy between two points is equal to the change in gravitational potential from the first point to the second, multiplied by the mass of the object being moved. Idea 16: Between two circular orbits, `dKE = -1/2 * `dPE For a small mass m in circular orbit around a planet with large mass M, gravitational PE is - G M m / r, while gravitational KE is 1/2 G M m / r.
Gravitational potential - G M / r is negative for all values of r, approaching zero as r approaches infinity. Thus as we move away from a planet we begin with a large negative gravitational potential and as we move further and further away our gravitational potential increases, approaching but never reaching zero. Gravitational potential energy - G M m / r is also negative for all r, approaching zero as r approaches infinity. If at distance r = R we give the mass m a large enough kinetic energy, so that KE - G M m / r > 0, and if the object moves through empty space so that no energy is dissipated, the work-energy theorem tells us that the increase in PE will never be enough to decrease the KE to zero. That is, the object will never stop.
Idea 17: Angular Motion is completely analogous to Linear Motion A one-radian angle any central angle for which the arc distance along a circle is equal to the radius of the circle. The reasoning for angular motion is identical to that for linear motion, with meters of displacement replaced by radians of angular displacement. The arc distance corresponding to angular displacement theta is `dsArc = r * theta, where r is the radius of the circle. Lowercase omega is the Greek letter corresponding to angular velocity, which is the rate of change of angular position and is measured in units of radians per second. Lowercase alpha is the Greek letter corresponding to angular acceleration, which is the rate of change of angular velocity and is measured in units of radians per second. The speed of the motion of a point moving around the arc of a circle is equal to the product of the angular velocity of the corresponding radial line and the radius of the circle: v = omega * r. The acceleration component in the direction of motion of a point moving around the arc of a circle is equal to the product of the angular acceleration of the corresponding radial line and the radius of the circle: vParallel = alpha * r, where vParallel is velocity in (i.e., parallel to) the direction of motion. Idea 18: Newton's Second Law can be formulated in terms of Angular Motion and Moment of Inertia The torque exerted by a force is tau = F * r * sin(theta), where tau is the torque exerted by force F applied at distance r from axis of rotation, F making angle theta with moment arm.
The effect of a net torque on an object depends on the torque and on the difficulty of achieving angular acceleration of the object, in a way analogous to the relationship between mass and net force, where mass is among other things a measure of the difficulty of accelerting an object.
In general the summation of the m r^2 contributions requires calculus. Among the results we obtain are the following:
Just as Fnet = m a for linear motion, tauNet = I * alpha, where tauNet is the net torque required to achieve angular acceleration alpha on an object with moment of inertia I. Idea 19: The definitions of Work and KE can be reformulated in terms of Angular Quantites When we apply torque through an angular displacement we are in fact applying a force through a distance and doing work. Analogous to `dW = F * `ds for linear motion we have `dW = tau * `d`theta, where `dW is the work done by a torque tau acting through angle `d`theta. Just as work W is equal to the integral of force in direction of motion multiplied by displacement (W = integral ( Fparallel * `ds) we have W = integral ( tau with respect to theta, from theta1 to theta2) Every particle making up a rotating object has a mass and a velocity and hence a kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of the entire rotating object is the sum of the kinetic energies of all particles making up the object. Particles closer to the axis of rotation have less velocity and hence contribute less to the kinetic energy of the object than particles of the same mass which lie further from the axis of rotation. The moment of inertia I makes it easy to calculate this complicated quantity. We have
Idea 20: Angular Impulse-Momentum gives rise to a new conservation law. For linear motion we have impulse `dp = F * `dt, which in a closed system is conserved since objects act on one another with equal and opposite forces. Since rotating objects in contact with one another exert equal and opposite torques on one another they exert equal and opposite angular impulses on one another, where
Just as impulse is equal to change in momentum, angular impulse is equal to change in angular momentum, where
Just as linear momentum is conserved in a closed system, angular momentum is conserved in a closed system. Angular momentum is not the same as linear momentum. Energy, momentum and angular momentum are all different quantities, each conserved in any closed system.
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Elastic and Inelastic Collisions in 1 dimension |
#22 - 23 |
Memorize This: Idea 12 |
21.01 Relate {h, L, vf_ramp} U {alpha, `ds_y, `ds_x} to test hypothesis that the final velocity vf_ramp of an object rolling a given distance `ds down the ramp from rest depends only on h, where h is the elevation of the higher end of the ramp relative to the lower, L the length of the ramp, alpha the angle of elevation of the ramp conservation of energy on an incline 21.02 Distinguish between vector quantities and scalar quantities introsets, class notes |
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6.1 – 6.7 |
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships lines 13-24 |
22.01 Mass into constant force field: relate {m, v0_x, v0_y, F, theta, `ds_x, `ds_y, vf_x, vf_y} for a mass m which for an interval of motion in a constant force field of magnitude F directed at angle theta, with displacement `ds_x in the x direction and `ds_y in the vertical, and final velocities v0 and vf defined by the components v0_x, v0_y, vf_x and vf_y 22.02 Interpret rise, run, slope, average ‘graph altitude’, accumulated areas, rates of slope change for graphs representing position vs. clock time, velocity vs. clock time, acceleration vs. clock time, force vs. position, force vs. clock time introsets |
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PHeT 8.7 Collision Lab |
Motion in More than 1 Dimension |
synopsis: Understand idea 10 |
23.01 Relate {m, L, y_0, v_0, F_net(y), a(y), PE(y), KE(y), v(y), y(t)} for a chain of length L and mass m partially resting on or sliding across and partially overhanging the edge of a table, with y_0 the initial length of the overhang, v_0 the initial velocity of the chain, F_net(y) the net force on the chain as a function of y, y(t) the overhang as a function of t, and a(y), PE(y), KE(y), v(y) the acceleration, velocity, potential energy and kinetic energy functions of y qa_24
23.02 Relate {v, F_res (v), F, F_net(v), m, v_term} where v is the velocity of a mass m, F_res(v) a resisting force as a function of v, F a constant force, F_net(v) the net force on m when velocity is v, v_term the terminal velocity approached by the object qa_24 |
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Motion in 2 dimensions |
24.01 Relate {v, r, a_cent} U {m, F_cent, omega, f, period}, where v is the constant speed of a mass m moving around a circle, r the radius of the circle, a_cent the centripetal acceleration of the object, F_cent the centripetal force on the object, f and omega the frequency and angular frequency of its motion, 'period' the period of its motion around the circle qa_24 24.02 Explain why a force is necessary to keep an object moving in a circular path, even if it doesn't speed up or slow down. qa_24 24.03 Relate {m_1, v_1, m_2, v_2, m_1, v_1’, m_2, v_2’, `dv_1, `dv_2, m_2/m_1} U {`ds_1_x, `ds__2_x, `ds_y } where m_1 and m_2 are the masses of two spheres which collide, moving in a horizontal plane immediately before and immediately after collision before falling a vertical distance `ds_y to the floor under the influence of gravity; `ds_1_x and `ds_2_x are the displacements in the horizontal direction during the fall conservation of momentum experiment
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Forces in 2 dimensions; Free Body Diagrams |
synopsis: Understand idea 12 |
25.01 Relate {m, L, T, theta, x, T_x, T_y, F_net, T_string, theta, alpha}, where m is the mass, L the length, x < < L the position with respect to equilibrium, T_x and T_y the components of the string tension, F_net the net force on the mass, T_string the tension of the string, alpha the angle with vertical, theta the angle with horizontal for a simple pendulum qa_25
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Forces in 2 dimensions; Free Body Diagrams |
26.01 Relate {A_cs, L, y, y_equil, F_buoy, F_net, rho_cyl, mass_cyl, rho_liquid, a} for a cylinder of length L, uniform density rho_cyl, cross-sectional area A_cs, vertical position y, equilibrium position y_equil, partially submerged in a liquid of uniform density rho_liquid, with F_buoy the buoyant force, F_net the net force, mass_cyl the mass and a the acceleration of the cylinder.
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7.1 – 7.7 |
PHeT 6.14 Gravity and Orbits |
Circular Motion |
#24 |
synopsis: Understand ideas 13-14 |
27.01 Relate {F_grav_satellite, F_grav_planet}, where F_grav_satellite is the force exerted by a planet on a satellite (assumed to be very much smaller and less massive than the planet) and F_grav_planet is the force exerted on the planet by the satellite open qa 27.02 Explain why the acceleration of a small satellite toward a planet is much less than the acceleration of the planet toward the satellite. qa_27, introsets 27.03 Explain the effect on the gravitational force on a satellite of a change in the mass of the planet. qa_27, introsets 27.04 Explain the effect on the gravitational force on a satellite of a change in the mass of the satellite. qa_27, introsets 27.05 Explain the effect on the force on a satellite of a change in the distance between the planet and the satellite. qa_27, introsets 27.06 Relate {F_grav_satellite, F_grav_planet, r, m_satellite, R_planet, g_planet} using proportionalities, where r is the distance between the center of the planet and the satellite, R_planet the radius of the planet and g_planet the acceleration of gravity at its surface . qa_27, introsets 27.07 Relate {F_grav_satellite, F_grav_planet, r, m_satellite, m_planet, G}, where G is the universal gravitational constant qa_27, introsets 27.09 Relate {F_grav, R_Earth, r, g} by proportionality class notes , introsets 27.10 Relate {G, M_planet, r, v} for a satellite in circular orbit about a planet, where v is the orbital velocity at distance r from the center of the planet introsets
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7.8 – 7.12 |
Gravitation and Orbital Dynamics |
#25 - 27 |
0.01 Relate {G, M_planet, r, v, PE, KE, m_satellite} for a satellite in circular orbit about a planet, where PE and KE are respectively the gravitational potential energy at distance r and the kinetic energy at orbital velocity v 0.02 …. Univ differential estimates for small orbital changes, derivation of PE formula, integration of F dot `ds along elliptical path, etc. |
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8.1 – 8.7 |
Collisions, Center of Mass |
#28 - 30 |
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships Lines 53-67
synopsis: Understand ideas 13-16 |
29.01 Relate {r, `dTheta, `ds_arc} for a two positions on a circle of radius r, where `dTheta is the angle in radians between radial lines intersecting the points and `ds_arc the distance between the points as measured along the arc of the circle qa_29, introsets 29.02 Relate {r, omega, v_arc} for a point moving along the arc of a circle of radius r with angular velocity omega and (tangential) speed v_arc along the arc of the circle qa_29, introsets 29.03 Relate {r, omega, v, a_cent} where a_cent is the centripetal acceleration of the point qa_29, introsets 29.04 Relate {A, omega, theta_0, t, r_x, r_y, v_x, v_y, a_x, a_y} where theta_0 is the angular position at t = 0 of a point moving with angular velocity omega around the arc of a circle of radius A, t a clock time, r_x and r_y are the x and y coordinates of the position of the point, v_x and v_y the components of the velocity vector, a_x and a_y the components of the centripetal acceleration vector qa_29, introsets??? 29.05 Describe the effect of increasing or decreasing speed on the shape of a circular orbit. Motion in the gravitational field of the Earth 29.06 Describe the effect of a change in velocity in a direction perpendicular to a circular orbit. Motion in the gravitational field of the Earth 29.07 Describe the way velocity and distance from the planet change in an elliptical orbit. Motion in the gravitational field of the Earth 29.08 Describe how consistent increments in the velocity of a ‘shot’ perpendicular to the surface of the Earth affect how far each ‘shot’ will ‘rise’ relative to the preceding. Motion in the gravitational field of the Earth 29.09 Describe how to move from one circular orbit to another. Motion in the gravitational field of the Earth 29.10 Describe the effects of initial speed, direction and position on the shape of an orbit: {v0, v_circ, theta_0, x_0, y_0, shape of orbit} where v0 is the initial speed, v_circ the orbital speed for a circular orbit through the initial point, theta_0 the angle of the initial velocity with respect to the x axis, x_0 and y_0 the coordinates of the initial point in the plane of the orbit, and 'shape of orbit' is its eccentricity class notes? , introsets |
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8.8 – 8.18 |
Rotational Motion; Torque |
synopsis: Understand ideas 17-18 |
30.01 Relate {omega_0, omega_f, alpha, `dt, `dTheta, `dOmega, omega_Ave} assuming uniform rotational acceleration during an interval, where omega is angular velocity, theta is angular position, `dt is time duration of the interval and alpha is angular acceleration qa_30, introsets 30.02 Relate {I, tau_net, alpha} U {omega_0, omega_f, `dt, `dTheta, `dOmega, omega_Ave} where I is the moment of inertia of an object rotating about an axis or a point and tau_net the net torque exerted on the object (torque with respect to point or axis of rotation) qa_30, introsets, class notes?
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View Experiment 29, Angular Velocity and Velocity at Given Radius (Physics 121 may omit this experiment) |
Moment of Inertia, Rotational Dynamics, Angular Momentum |
#31 - 33 |
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships Lines 53-67
synopsis: Understand Ideas 19-20 |
31.01 Relate {I, disk, hoop, sphere, rod about end, rod about center, M, R, L} for moments of inertia of disks, hoops, spheres and rods qa_31, introset 31.02 Relate {r_axel, m_descending, I, `ds_y, `dPE, `dKE, omega_0, omega_f} for a wheel with moment of inertia I with descending mass on string wrapped about a light disk, wheel and disk rotating about a common axis, on an interval during which vertical position changes by `ds_y, gravitational potential energy by `dPE, total kinetic energy by `dKE, abd angular velocity changes from omega_0 to omega_f.
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View Experiment 30, Conversion of Gravitational or Elastic Potential Energy to Angular Kinetic Energy |
Moment of Inertia, Rotational Dynamics, Angular Momentum |
32.01 Relate {`dPE, I, `dKE, omega_0, omega_f} where I is the moment of inertia of a combination of disks and/or spheres and/or rods and/or hoops and/or a specified set of discrete masses and positions, omega_0 and omega_f the initial and final angular velocities, `dKE and `dPE the changes in potential and kinetic energy during an interval experiment 30
Module 4,
Assignments 33 - 40 Final exam cumulative through Module 4, with extra emphasis on Module 4 |
Summary of Main Ideas in Module 3 Having completed and reviewed your work in the assignments comprising this Module you should understand these ideas and be able to apply them to solving problems and analyzing real-world situations. Idea 21: Simple Harmonic Motion results from a Linear Restoring Force When the net force Fnet acting on a mass m is proportional to displacement of the object from some equilibrium position x we can write Fnet = - k x. The proportionality constant k is called the force constant. Since Fnet = m a we have m a = - k x, or a = -k/m * x. ** Since a(t) = x '' (t) it follows that x(t) = B sin( omega * t) + C cos(omega * t) = A cos(omega * t + theta0), where omega = sqrt(k/m) and theta0 can be any real number.
* If the position is not at the maximum positive displacement when t = 0 then the model x(t) = A cos( omega * t ) is not appropriate. However a slight modification can give the position function corresponding to any specific initial condition:
Simple harmonic motion can be modeled as the projection onto the x axis (or onto the y axis, or indeed onto any axis thru the center of the circle) of motion at constant angular velocity around a reference circle whose radius is equal to the amplitude of the motion. The forms x(t) = A cos(omega * t), x(t) = A cos(omega * t + theta0) and y(t) = A sin(omega * t + theta0), as well as others, can be obtained from the circular model:
Idea 23: Velocity and Acceleration in SHM follow the Reference Circle Model The formulas given earlier for v(t) and a(t) can be found directly from the circular model:
Note that reference-circle velocity is parallel to the x axis when the reference circle point lies on the y axis. At these points the reference-circle angle omega * t is at a right angle with the x axis so that | sin(omega * t) | = 1 and | vx(t) | = omega * A.
Note also that reference-circle centripetal acceleration is parallel to the x axis when the reference circle point lies on the x axis. At these points the reference-circle angle omega * t is parallel to the x axis so that | cos(omega * t) | = 1 and | ax(t) | = omega^2 * A.
Idea 24: Energy Relationships in SHM are consistent with the Reference Circle Model The PE relative to the equilibrium position of a simple harmonic oscillator at displacement x from equilibrium is the work done against conservative forces in order to displace the oscillator from equilibrium to that position.
Thus the PE of the oscillator at position x, relative to equilibrium, is PE = k x^2 / 2.
Since at position x we have PE = 1/2 k x^2, conservation of energy tells us that
At position x = 0 we have PE = 0 so that velocity is maximized at this point and
Recall that from the circular model we have already concluded that vMax = omega * A. Thus the energy picture is consistent with the circular model, which itself is consistent with the model obtained using Newton's Second Law and calculus.
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9.1 – 9.5 |
PHeT 16.15 Pendulum Lab |
Statics |
Physics I Practice Tests Assignment 3 (Test 2)
synopsis: Understand Ideas 19-20 |
· Go to Tests and investigate Test #1. For Physics 121 this test will cover Introductory Problem Sets 5, 6, 7 and 8 plus experiments between Assignment 20 and Assignment 32. For Physics 201, 231 and 241 the test will cover material starting with Assignment 1, but will concentrate on material in Assignments 20 - 32.· Recommended but not required: Run the file Physics I Practice Tests Assignment 3 (Test 2) for practice on the upcoming Test 2. Objectives:
33.01 Relate {I, omega, KE_angular, L} where I is moment of inertia and omega angular velocity about an axis, KE_angular is angular KE, L is angular momentum qa_33 33.02 Relate {I_1, I_2, tau_net, `dt, `dL_1, `dL_2, `dOmega_1, `dOmega_2} where subscripts _1 and _2 refer to two rigid objects with I, L, tau and omega relative to a fixed point or axis . tau_net is the magnitude of the torque exerted by one object on the other. 33.02 Relate {omega, r_i, m_i, KE_rot_i | 1 <= i <= n} U {KE_rot, L} where omega is the angular velocity of a rigid system consisting of n discrete masses, r_i and m_i the the ith mass and its distance from the axis of rotation, KE_rot_i the rotational KE of this mass, KE_rot the rotational KE and L the angular momentum of the entire system qa_33 33.03 Relate {k, m, A, omega, t, x, y, theta_0}, where k is the restoring force constant, m the mass, A the amplitude, omega the angular frequency of the reference point, x and y the components of the position vector on the reference circle, t the clock time, theta_0 the initial angular position on the reference circle for a low-amplitude pendulum or general simple harmonic oscillator |
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9.6 – 9.11 |
(text_34) |
#34 - 35 |
synopsis: Understand Ideas 22-24 |
Complete Test #2Objectives:
34.01 Relate {k, m, A, omega, t, x, y, init cond, vAve on short interval near equil, speed of reference point} for a harmonic oscillator where 'init cond' stands for the initial condition of the oscillator (restate problem) , qa_34 34.02 Relate {m, init cond, k, vel on ref circle, a_Cent, a_max}, qa_34 34.03 Relate {period, mass, force constant, frequency} for a simple harmonic oscillator, qa_34
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9.12 – 9.17 |
(text_35) |
35.01 Relate {k, x_1, x_2, F_ave, F(x_1), F(x_2), `dW, `dKE} for a simple harmonic oscillator on an interval between positions x_1 and x_2 qa_34 35.02 Relate {k, m, A, x, PE, KE, PE_max, KE_max, total energy, omega, f, period} for a simple harmonic oscillator with amplitude A, where PE and KE are the potential and kinetic energies at position x 34.03 Relate {L, m, k, omega, f} for a pendulum, where f is the frequency, qa_34
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Simple Harmonic Motion |
#36 - 38 |
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships Lines 78 - 98 |
Continue to synthesize objectives for SHM. |
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37 |
Continue to synthesize objectives for SHM. |
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38 |
Fluid Statics |
Continue to synthesize objectives for entire course in preparation for final exam. |
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39 |
Bernoulli's Equation |
#39 - 41 |
Continue to synthesize objectives for entire course in preparation for final exam. |
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40 |
Complete final exam. |