
Class Notes Calculus I

Growth of an Exponential Function; Trapezoidal Representation of Approximate Derivatives and Integrals

Growth Rate, Growth Factor and the Quantity Function; Doubling Time   

An exponential function is characterized by a growth rate r, a growth factor (1+r) and a quantity function Q(t) = Q0 (1+r)^t. Alternative forms of the exponential function include Q(t) = Q0 b^t and Q(t) = Q0 e^(kt).

Any function of this form has a doubling time tD such that for any t, Q(t+tD) = 2 Q(t), which we demonstrate algebraically and depict graphically.

Representation by and Interpretation of Trapezoids

Given a velocity vs. clock time function we can construct a trapezoid between any two graph points, with vertical altitudes running from the horizontal axis to the respective graph points. These altitudes represent the initial and final velocities over the corresponding time interval. The area of this trapezoid represents the product of the average of the initial and final velocities and the duration of the time interval, and therefore the distance that an object would move during the time interval at this average velocity. If the velocity function is not linear during time interval, it is very unlikely that the actual average velocity will equal the average of the initial and final velocities, and the distance so calculated will be an approximation rather than a precise value. The slope of the line segment between the graph points will represent the average rate at which the velocity changes (change in velocity divided by change in clock time).

In general if the graph represents the rate at which some quantity changes vs. clock time, a trapezoid can be constructed to approximate the change in the quantity between to given clock times, with the change in the quantity represented by the area of the trapezoid. More accurate approximations can be obtained by subdividing the trapezoid into a series of 'thinner' trapezoids, on which the line segments between graph points more nearly approximate the actual function.

The area under the graph between two clock time therefore represents the integral of the rate function between the two clock times. This integral represents the change in the quantity between these two clock time.

If the graph represents some quantity vs. clock time, then a similar trapezoid or series of trapezoids will have line segments between graph points which represent average slope between graph points, and which therefore represent average rates of change between the corresponding clock times. These average rates of change represent the approximate derivatives of the function depicted by the graph.

If the clock times on a series of trapezoids are uniformly spaced, then if the slopes represent rates of change, then at any graph point the change in slope at that point divided by the uniform time interval between graph points will represent the approximate rate at which the slope changes at the graph point. Since the slope represents the rate at which the function changes, this rate of slope change will represent the rate at which the rate changes. This quantity is and approximate second derivative of the function.

By interpreting the altitude and width of a trapezoid, we can interpret what the product of average altitude and width represents, and we can interpret what is represented by the change in altitude divided by the width.

Growth Rate, Growth Factor and the Quantity Function; Doubling Time

If $10,000 is invested at 7%, compounded annually, and if at some instant we have principle P, a year later we will have 7% more than P.

We call .07 the growth rate. Since we multiply by 1.07 in order to get the principle a year later, we call 1.07 the growth factor (recall that a factor is a quantity that is multiplied by another quantity).

In order to estimate the time required to double the principle to $20,000, we could sketch the 'green' graph below, showing principle that starts at $10,000 and increases along the exponential curve to $20,000.

Doubling time when growth factor = 1.07.

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It turns out that this doubling time is independent of the time when we begin.

Since P(t+tD) = $10,000 (1.07) ^ (t + tD) and P(t) = $10,000 (1.07) ^ t, our equation becomes

Doubling time is t-sub-D where population at t plus t-sub-D is double the population at t.

We can solve this equation by noting that 1.07 ^ (t + tD) = 1.07 ^ t * 1.07 ^ tD.

You are not required to know how to use logarithms to solve the equation at this point, but you should have encountered this process in your prerequisite courses, and you should get used to the remaining steps.

Solving for t-sub-D.  Key step:  1.07 raised to the t plus t-sub-D is double 1.07 raised to the t.  A little algebra leads to doubling time log(2) divided by log(1.07).

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Representation by and Interpretation of Trapezoids

Trapezoid representing velocity vs. clock time.  Velocity is rate of change of position.  Area represents product of approximate average velocity and change in clock time, yielding approximate change in position.

Suppose that, between clock times t = 4 sec and t = 18 sec the velocity of an object increases from 8 cm per second to 12 cm per second.

We are interested in two quantities, the area and the slope of the trapezoid.

Thus the area of a trapezoid on a velocity vs. clock time graph will give us the change in position of the object whose velocity we are representing.

The slope of the trapezoid, by which we mean the slope of the line at the top of the trapezoid, is easily found by dividing the 4 cm rise by the 14 second run to get .29 cm/s/s.

Note that the velocity is the rate which position changes, and the area gives us the change in the position between the two specified clock times.

We note also that if we regard the velocity as a quantity, the slope of the graph gives us the average rate which that quantity changes.

Recall the the preceding process, in which we calculated the area under the graph, is called integration.

The slope of the trapezoid represents change in velocity divided by change in clock time, therefore representing the average rate at which the velocity changes.

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For practice suppose that we have a quadratic velocity vs. clock time function whose values at t = 0, 3, 6, and 9 sec were 13, 11, 17 and 27, respectively.

We easily calculate the area under each trapezoid.

Note that these distances are all approximations based on the assumption of straight-line approximations to the curved graph.

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The slopes are also easily calculated, and each slope represents the average rate at which the velocity changes between two graph points.

We note that at t = 3, the slope changes from -.66 to +2.

Trapezoidal approximation graph for velocity = rate of change of position vs. clock time t.  Slopes represent average rates of change of velocity with respect to clock time.  Areas represent approximate changes in position.  Includes rates of slope chang

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All these quantities are arrived at by trapezoid approximations of the actual graph. We therefore call this graph a "trapezoidal approximation graph".

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Trapezoidal Approximation Graph.  Integral represented by area, function values by 'graph altitudes' or heights; derivatives by slope; second derivatives by rates of slope change.

The graph below represents the same curve between the same two points, approximated by a larger number of trapezoids.

Thus our slopes, and hence our rate of change approximations, are much much closer to the actual instantaneous rates of change of the function.

Similarly our total area, hence our approximation of the change in quantity, is much much closer to the actual area than before.

We can imagine shrinking the time interval `dt to 0.

Many trapezoids result in better approximations.  As delta-t approaches zero, the approximations of derivatives and integrals approach exact values.

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This picture is related to the work we have done to find the derivative of a quadratic function as follows:

Though we have not yet developed the means to determine the precise total area under a quadratic graph, or the integral of a quadratic function between two given points, it turns out that the area, from t = 0 to given value of t, is

As `dt -> 0, the total area as calculated by the trapezoidal approximation will approach this value.

If we have the graph of a linear function y = m t + b, we can easily calculate its area between the points (0, b) and (t, mt + b):

Note that this area function is a quadratic function with a = .5 m and b = b, so that its derivative is 2 a t + b = 2 (.5m) t + b = mt + b.

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On a larger interval actual slopes tend to vary by more than on a smaller interval, on which slopes tend to remain much closer to the average slope.

Examples of interpretation:

