
Class Notes Calculus I

Interpretation of the Derivative; the Second Derivative; Area under a Curve; Right- and Left-Hand Sums

The quiz problem stated that a function y = f(t) gives the expected grade point average for t, the number of hours per week of study.

The graph below depicts the given information.

Graph of point average vs. weekly hours of study, depicting interpretation of statements f(30) = 3.6, f ' (12) = .16 and f ' (25) = .03.

We interpret the statement f ' (12) = .16 to indicate that for someone studying 12 hours per week, for every unit of run (corresponding to every hour of increased study time) there will be a .16 unit of rise (corresponding to an increase of .16 in point average).

Explanations of interpretations.

In general, `dy / `dt stands for the change in point average divided by the change in the hours per week of study time.

How to interpret the derivative:  Interpret delta y, interpret delta t, then interpret delta y divided by delta t.

Video Clip #1

If an individual studying 12 hours per week increases study time by four hours per week, the situation corresponds to the graph shown below.

If the rate did stay the same, then an increase of 4 hrs / wk would imply an increase in point average of 4 * .16 points = .64 points.

An additional 4 hours of study per week is predicted to increase point average by 0.64 points.  We multiply the value of the derivative by the change in x, obtaining a differential approximation.

Video Clip #2

The Second Derivative

As we will see, since the derivative of function is rate at which the function changes, the derivative of the derivative is the rate at which the rate changes.

We begin with a table of depth vs. clock time for a hypothetical flow from the uniform cylinder.

To obtain a table of approximate values for the rate function, we first calculate the midpoint of each time interval; the average rate over an interval will be associated with the midpoint clock time..

We calculate the average rate at which depth changes over each interval, and associate this average rate with the midpoint time.

Table of f(t) vs. t, with columns for midpoint value of t, average rate (approximating the derivative at the midpoint t), change in rate between midpoint clock times, and approximate average rate of change of derivative (approximate 2d derivative)

Video Clip #3

The third and fourth columns of the table therefore give us approximate (and in this case accurate) values for the derivative function f ' (t) vs. t.

We now wish to determine the average rates at which this derivative function changes.

The rates we have just calculated is the rates at which the rate f ' (t) changes.

If f(t) is depth function, f ' (t) is rate of depth change, and change in f ' divided by time interval is average rate at which f ' changes, or the rate at which the rate changes.  Its limiting value is the value of the second derivative.

To be sure we understand this notation, we note that lim (`dt -> 0) (`dy / `dt) = y'.

If y = f ', then dy/dt is f ''.

Video Clip #4

We can obtain another picture of the rate which the depth changes by considering a trapezoidal approximation graph of some function.

These f ' values represent average rates.

On a trapezoidal approximation graph the rate of slope change at a point is the approximate value of the second derivative at that point.

Video Clip #5

We observe that in the above figure the derivative is decreasing, which makes the graph concave downward (if the graph forms a 'cave', then when we are sitting in the cave looking at, we are looking out downward as opposed to upward).

A graph which is concave down has a decreasing derivative, hence a negative second derivative.  A graph which is concave up has an increasing derivative and hence a positive second derivative.

Video Clip #6

Similarly a graph which is concave upward implies an increasing derivative and hence a positive second derivative.


Recalling that a quadratic depth vs. clock time data set yields a constant rate of rate change, implying a constant second derivative, we look at the second derivative of a general quadratic function.

Quadratic depth vs. clock time yields linear rate of depth change and constant rate of change of rate.  The second derivative of a quadratic function is constant.

Video Clip #7

Area under a Curve

We now turn our attention to the interpretation and calculation of the area under a curve.

We begin with an example of a velocity vs. clock time graph.

A two-trapezoid approximation to velocity vs. clock time yields areas representing approximate displacements and slope approximating derivatives.

Video Clip #8

We note that the total distance traveled between clock times t = 10 and t = 30 sec is, according to this graph, the sum 130 m + 180 m = 310 m of the distances represented by the areas of the individual trapezoids.


We now show that for a function y = f(t) whose values are strictly increasing on an interval between t = a and t = b, the area of the trapezoidal approximation in fact does approach the precise area under the curve as the number of trapezoids approaches infinity.

The graph below depicts a function y = f(t) between t values t = a and t = b.

The function values corresponding to these values of the independent variable t will therefore be f(t0), f(t1), f(t2), . . . , f(t(n-1)) and f(tn).

Rather than doing a trapezoidal approximation, we do two approximations by rectangles, called the 'upper sum' and the 'lower sum'..

The upper sum and lower sum corresponding to a many-interval subdivision of the interval from a to b.

Video Clip #9

Lower Sum:  The first approximation will be a 'lower sum', where for each interval we use the altitude at the left-hand side of the interval.

Our total left-hand, or 'lower' approximation of the area between t = a and t = b will therefore be

This lower approximation will be the sum of the areas of all the rectangles bounded above by the red segments in the figure below.

Upper Sum:  The 'upper' sum will be obtained by using the right-hand altitude of each segment.

When we add all these areas we obtain the 'upper' approximation

Left and right approximations share all terms except the first and last.

We note first that the average of the upper and lower approximations will in fact give us the trapezoidal approximation to the total area, since by averaging these approximations we are in effect averaging the two altitudes of each trapezoid.

We then ask whether it must in fact be the case that as we allow the widths `dt to approach 0, the difference between the upper and lower sums also approaches zero.

The difference between the upper and lower sum will represent the total area of the increasingly small rectangles defined by the red and green segments.


If we look at the expressions for the right- and left-hand sums, we quickly see that they both contain the term f(t1) * `dt.

Thus, when the left-hand sum is subtracted from the right-hand sum, all the common terms will be 'canceled' and we will be left with only f(tn) * `dt - f(t0) * `dt.

The difference between the right and left approximations is the last term of the right-hand approximation, minus the first term of the left-hand approximation.  The difference is ( f(t sub n) - f ( t sub 0 ) ) multiplied by delta t.

Video Clip #10

Since we originally assumed that f(a) = f(t0) and f(b) = f(tn) are finite numbers, it follows that as `dt approaches 0, the expression f(tn) * `dt - f(t0) * `dt = (f(tn) - f(t0)) * `dt must approach 0.
