1. If you have the information tell the instructor the author of the text you did use and the titles of the chapters covered.
  2. If you don't know much about integrals, and especially if you haven't covered them at all, let the instructor know so you can get the materials you will need to complete Chapter 5 and to adjust your schedule for this course.
  3. If your first-semester course didn't cover derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions let the instructor know.

The open qa's for Assignments 11-12 cover the rules of differentiation.

The open qa's for Assignments 13-15 introduce applications of differentiation, tangent lines and the differential.

The open qa for Assignment 16 addresses implicit differentiation. 

The open qa's for Assignments 1-10 introduce you in a unified way to the concepts of differentiation and integration, beginning with the concept of rate of change. 

The open qa for Assignment 10 is fairly challenging and introduces the central ideas of integration in the context of finding present and future values of an investment.  This specific qa is included in the Orientation to the course, and also in Assignment 1.

Most second-semester calculus students need this refresher on standard first-semester calculus topics.