Calculus II

Class Notes, 1/25/99

We show that the integrals of sin(`theta) / [ 1 + cos^5(`theta) ] and 1 / [ x + x (ln x) ^ 5 ] in fact are variations of the same integral.

We see that the integral obtained in both cases is the same.

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To perform the integral in the figure below, we begin by completing the square on the denominator:

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We rewrite the integral as shown below and use the substitution u = x + 3.

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If a whittler of heirloom washers is paid on a varying scale for washers whittled in a year, receiving

how much does the whittler make for whittling some number wf > 30,000 washers?

We are given a function specifying pay rate per unit produced.

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A sketch of the pay rate function is shown below, with wf indicated at some point above 30,000.

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Given the flow rate function below, we analyze the flow amount from t = 0 to t = 5 as follows:

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The figure below shows the subdivision of the interval into equal increments, and indicates the area of increment # i.

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The integral is evaluated below.

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Below we integrate z `sqrt(7 + z), using integration by parts (a u substitution would work, but we want to illustrate the process of deciding how to break down an integral for integration by parts).

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The details of evaluating the integral are shown below.

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