You should begin the second semester with a very solid foundation in first-semester calculus. 

The page is the homepage for the Calculus I course.  The Open Qa's for that course would provide a good review of the basic topics covered in most first-semester classes, and should at least give you a good start on some of the topics that might not have been covered in your first-semseter course. 

At this page you should be able to easily locate the following Open Qa's:

The open qa's for Assignments 11-12 cover the rules of differentiation.

The open qa's for Assignments 13-15 introduce applications of differentiation, tangent lines and the differential.

The open qa for Assignment 16 addresses implicit differentiation. 

The open qa's for Assignments 1-10 introduce you in a unified way to the concepts of differentiation and integration, beginning with the concept of rate of change. 

The open qa for Assignment 10 is fairly challenging and introduces the central ideas of integration in the context of finding present and future values of an investment.  This specific qa is included in the Orientation to the course, and also in Assignment 1.

Most second-semester calculus students need this refresher on standard first-semester calculus topics.