Query 27 Differential Equations
Question: Find the eigenvalues of the matrix [3, 1; -2, 1] and find the corresponding eigenvectors.
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Question: Suppose that i + 1 is an eigenvalue of a matrix A and [-1 + i, i ] is a corresponding eigenvector. Find a fundamental set of real solutions to the equation y ' = A y.
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Question: Solve the equation
y ' = [0, -9; 1, 0] y
with initial condition
y(0) = [6, 2].
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Question: Find all values of mu such that any fundamental set [ y_1, y_2 ] of the system
y ' = [1, 3; mu, -2] y
has the property that the limit of the expression (y_1(t))^2 + (y_2(t))^2, as t -> infinity, is zero.
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Question: A particle moves in an unspecified force field in such a way that its position vector r(t) = x(t) i + y(t) j and the corresponding velocity vector v(t) = r ' (t) satisfy the equation
v ' = 2 k X v
Write this condition as a system
v ' = A v,
with v = [v_x; v_y].
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A particle moves in an unspecified force field in such a way that its position vector r(t) = x(t) i + y(t) j and the corresponding velocity vector v(t) = r ' (t) satisfy the equation
v ' = 2 k X v
Write this condition as a system
v ' = A v,
with v = [v_x; v_y].
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