Appropriate use of 'open' queries and qa's
It is possible to use the posted 'open' queries and qa's to enhance your learning and help you gain the knowledge you will require to succeed on tests and in the course.
The instructions provided below consist of recommendations for using these documents to your best advantage.
It is also possible to use them in a way that simply wastes a significant amount of your time (and a little of the instructor's)
For example there is the unavoidalbe temptation to 'look ahead' at the 'given solutions' before composing your answers
Some students who do so even choose to compound the error by bypassing the assignment and submitting a document that does not represent any significant thought or effort.
It's understandable that time pressures could make this strategy tempting, and it might get the 10%-15% of the course grade that depends on homework. But this would be unlikely to provide the necessary help in mastering the content of the course and succeeding on tests.
How to use the 'open' queries and qa's as a learning tool
Each assigned 'open' query or qa's is to be copied into a word processor or text editor and used just like the query- and qa-type programs you have encountered in Orientation. Your solutions should be inserted into this copy of the document, with each solution following the 'Your Solution:' prompt in the indicated space.
The q_a_ is designed to engage your thinking and introduce selected topics relevant to the assignment based on what you are expected to have learned prior to the assignment (the qa's at the beginning of your course are based on what should be general knowledge gained from your prerequisite courses).
Of course you won't always know what you are expected to know. Nobody's perfect and everyone misses something at one time or another. However you should be able to make a good attempt on every question of the q_a_, and most of what you don't know you should be able to learn by making a good attempt, articulating the details of your thinking, and then comparing your attempt with the given solution.
The self-critique process (explained more fully in the link given near the end of this page) provides the instructor with the information necessary to give you specific assistance when this becomes necessary.
It is recommended that you periodically review the document on responses and self-critiques located at Access Page 22-81-259 (direct link, ).