In the figure below we use a Taylor polynomials of ln(x) and sin2(x) to
determine the limit indicated in the first line.
- In the second line the natural logarithm and sine functions are replaced by Taylor
polynomials each having two terms.
- In the third line x2 is factored from the denominator and (1 + x + x2
- 1) is replaced by x + x2.
- In the fourth and fifth lines the numerator is simplified.
- In the fourth line, powers higher than x2 are left off since, when they are
divided by the x2 in the denominator, the result will be x or a higher power of
x, which will have a limit of 0 as x -> 0.
- The resulting expression is easily seem to have limit 1/2.
In the figure below we combined our previous models of population growth, with
population changing any rate proportional to the population when population is low and at
a rate proportional to the difference between the carrying capacity and the population
when the population is high.
- Thus for low population the behavior should be of the form dP / dt = k1 P,
while for high population we expect behavior of the form dP / dt = k2 (L - P).
- We can combine these behaviors in the same equation by letting dP / dt = k P ( L - P ).
- When P is low, L - P stays pretty near L so that k (L - P) is pretty nearly constant, so
that dP / dt will be pretty nearly proportional to P.
- When P is near L, the factor L - P can undergo a significant proportional change while P
doesn't change by much, so that k P remains pretty nearly constant and dP / dt is pretty
nearly proportional to L - P.
- The combined equation dP / dt = k P ( L - P ) is called the logistic equation.
- The logistic equation is easily solved by separation of variables.
- We use partial fractions to perform the resulting integration, as shown below.
Using the values we found for A and B above, we rewrite the integral as in the second
line below.
- In the third through the seventh lines we do the algebraic rearrange required to solve
for P.
- In the fifth line C is a positive constant; in the six line, because of the + and -
solutions to the absolute value equation, C becomes an arbitrary constant.
- The final function is indicated at lower right. The constant C will be evaluated for a
given situation from initial conditions.
In the figure below we have divided numerator denominator by the exponential function
to obtain the final form for the population function P.