Calculus II

Class Notes, 04/16/99

When an object falls under the influence of gravity and air resistance, the gravitational force is downward in the resistance is upward.


Assuming that F = - k v, which as it turns out is reasonably accurate for a smooth object which isn't falling very fast, we can represent the net force as Fnet = m g - k v.


The resulting differential equation is indicated in the first line below.

The proceed to separate the variables and solve the equation in the usual manner.

Our result is v = m g / k - C e^(-kt/m), where C is an arbitrary nonzero constant.


We see immediately then as t increases, v will eventually approach v = mg / k as an asymptote.

The value of C can be determine from the initial velocity of the object.



A graph of this solution shows the asymptote approach of the velocity to the terminal velocity mg / k.


If we have an initial velocity v(0) = 1.1 mg / k , then setting v(0) = 1.1 we would obtain C = .1 mg / k .


The graph below shows the entire family v(t) = m g / k - C e^( - k t / m) = m g / k (1 - C e^(-k t / m ) ).


Note that the proportionalities F = k v^2 and F = k v^3 are more nearly appropriate for most following objects, and that they yield differential equations which are also easily separated.


In the figure below we consider a lake with volume .8 km^3, with water flowing in from two sources.


Water flows out of the lake at .00021 km^3/day, which is the same as the rate of inflow, so that the amount of water in the lake remains constant.


We wish to set up an equation involving the amount P of pollutant as a function of time t.


The outflow rate will depend on the .0021 km^3/day rate at which water flows from the lake and on the concentration, or density, of pollutant in the lake.


Note the following errors in the figure below, which are repeated throughout this solution:



The differential equation is solved by the usual means.



Using DERIVE to obtain a power-series solution for certain integral involved with a differential equation, we obtain the terms indicated below.

We see that the ratio of coefficients changes in an irregular manner, which is fairly typical for the first several coefficients of a power series.


On the other hand it is certainly possible that the ratios will 'settle down' and approach limit of, say, 1.



One of the most common occurrences in the natural world is the tendency for objects to be restored to their equilibrium state.

One of the easiest situations to understand is that of a pendulum, which for displacements x which are small compared to the length of the pendulum experiences a restoring force which is proportional to the distance from equilibrium.

Specifically, for small displacements x, a freely swinging pendulum will experience a net force Fnet = - k x, where k is a constant of proportionality.


We cannot simply separate this differential equation, as we have been used to doing. This is because we have a second derivative.

Common types of trial solutions include polynomial and exponential functions.



The problem we ran into the previous attempt was that we need a function whose second derivative is a negative multiple of the function.

We therefore attempt trial solution indicated in the second line below, using both sine and cosine functions.

The constant angular frequency tells us that in any system where the net force is the linear restoring force F = - k x acting on a mass m, we have an oscillatory solution with a constant angular frequency `omega = `sqrt( k / m ).

