We find the Fourier series for y = e ^ ( 2 `pi k).
- The coefficients ak are found from the formula for the integral of e^(ax) cos(bx), as
indicated below.
- When k is odd, the argument k * `pi of the sine and cosine functions will lie on the
negative x axis. The value of the cosine will therefore be -1, and we will obtain the
first of the two results below.
- When k is even, the argument k * `pi of the sine and cosine functions will lie on the
positive x axis, giving us the second of the results below.
Thus the coefficients of e^(2 `pi^2) and e^(-2 `pi^2) will be of opposite sign, their
signs will alternate with even and odd k.
- Using (-1)^k we can write a single formula for ak.
- This formula gives us ak has a multiple of the hyperbolic sine of 2 `pi^2.
Video Clip #01
A similar calculation for bk results in an analogous result.
- Note that in this case the sine term has factor 2 `pi, while the cosine term has factor
- The sine term is 0 at the limits, so we do not end up with the factor 2 `pi in our
coefficient. We rather end up with the factor k.
We easily evaluate a0.
Video Clip #02
We obtain the series indicated below.
- The coefficient of cos(kx) is 4 sinh(2 `pi^2) * [ (-1)^k / (4 `pi^2 +
k^2) ], while that of sin(kx) is -2 k / `pi sinh(2 `pi^2) * [ (-1)^k / (4
`pi^2 + k^2) ].
The (-1^k) / ( 4 `pi^2 + k^2 ) should perhaps be factored out of the two summations.
- We note that we could then obtain kth term 4 cos(kx) - 2 k / `pi sin(kx), of the form A
cos(kx) + B sin(kx), which could be simplified using a simple trigonometric identity into
the form sin(kx + `phi) for an appropriate `phi.