Note: If you have not yet purchased your DVDs for the course, you may come back and complete this part of the Orientation after you have done so.
Select the following option (you have only one choice):
Submitting Assignment: Orientation Part III b--Checking DVD's
Your course (e.g., Mth 151, Mth 173, Phy 121, Phy 232, etc. ):
If you have one, please provide your access code. You may leave this part blank if you do not yet have an access code.
If you have not already made the request, you need to immediately return to the menu heading "Part 1: Establishing Communication" (you are currently on Part 3: Startup and Orientation) and follow the simple instructions for submitting your request. You should also complete the rest of Part 1.
Remember that it is crucial to enter your access code correctly. As instructed, you need to copy the access code from another document rather than typing it.
Access Code Confirm Access Code
Your Name:
Your VCCS email address. This is the address you were instructed in Step 1 to obtain. If you were not able to obtain that address, indicate this below.
Task: `q000: Verify that you have your disks.
Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line):
Checking disks:
Task: `q001. Running notes, in lecture format with working video links, are distributed on the disk(s) you purchased from the bookstore. The notes for this course run in a sequence very similar to that used in the text. The notes consist of a long narrative, with video links embedded in that narrative.
You can use these videos as you wish. One recommended way to use them is to quickly scan a text section, then view the corresponding narrative and video link. The videos corresponding to a given section generally run about an hour, roughly the time of a typical class, though they may run shorter or longer. Having scanned the text and viewed the videos, you can then use the two resources in the way that works best for your. You may of course adjust this sequence of activities to your own needs (for example, if you understand the text upon reading it and find that you can do the problems, you might well be able to skip at least parts of some of the videos).
If you do not have your disks yet you will have to skip this instruction for now, and you will need to return to this exercise when you receive them. If that is the case you may close this assignment after first entering in the response area below a statement that you do not yet have the disks.
Note that the contents of your disk can also be copied to a convenient device or location on your hard drive. The entire contents run somewhere around 50 gigaBytes, which would require just a fraction of the space on a typical hard drive.
A typical disk contains an HTML narrative file with video links, and the videos themselves. If you browse the disk you should easily locate the HTML file.
The first disk for your course is the Introductory Disk. It might contain an introduction for both the Vector Calculus and Differential Equations courses, in which case the root folder will consist of two subfolders with obvious names. You would then browse to the folder appropriate to your course, which is entitled "Multivar". You will see a folder entitled "Introduction". In this folder is an HTML file also entitled "Introduction". That is the file to run for the Introductory Disk. This file will run in your Internet browser, and will give you access to the entire contents of the disk.
Run it and be sure the video links work.
The second disk is entitled Disk 1. The contents are right there in the root folder. The HTML file is entitled "disk1". Run it and be sure the video links work.
The HTML document of Disk 2a is entitled simply "menu_multivar_videos_ch_10a", and the document for Disk 2b is entitled "menu_multivar_videos_ch_10a". Run them and be sure everything works.
Subsequent disks are set up very similarly.
After checking out the disks describe what you see and how you intend to use it.
Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line; the next line is blank and doesn't include the #$... prompt):
#$&* (Note that your response was to go into 'the next line'; your response will therefore be inserted before this line, not after. This is obvious when you're looking at the form, but if you've copied the form into a text editor it might be less obvious. Hence this note.)
Task: `q002.
If you have more than one disk, check the others in a similar manner.
If all your disks work, indicate that they do. If you have trouble with any of them, or with these instructions, describe your problems in detail.
#$&* (your response should have gone on the line above this one)