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Submitting Assignment: Rotating Straw _ Opposing Rubber Bands
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Note that the data program is in a continual state of revision and should be downloaded with every lab.
With your CDs/DVDs you obtained some introductory materials. For this experiment you will use some of the rubber bands, the die ('die' is the singular of 'dice'; you have one die, which was originally packed as one of ten dice), some paper clips, the strap, the push pin and , if they are included with your initial package, the two short bolts. You will also use at least one of the paper rulers from the preceding experiment Measuring Distortion of Paper Rulers , and you will use the TIMER program.
Note that this experiment is designed to prepare you for later, more precise experiments using rotating objects and rubber bands. There is significant uncertainty in the measurements you will be taking. You should try to get reasonably accurate data on this experiment but there is no need to be overly precise or meticulous in your data measurements or your graphing.
Note however that, while it is not overly precise, it is important to analysis your data correctly, according to the instructions given here.
This experiment is designed to take about an hour. The average time reported by students is closer to 90 minutes, with reported times varying from 30 minutes to 3 hours or in rare cases more.
You need to get some data here but don't worry if it isn't high-quality data. The main thing is to get some data and be sure you know what it is telling you.
You will in later experiments obtain and analyze more precise data using better-behaved systems.
There are two separate experiments in this exercise. If you don't have time to complete them both, you can submit them one at a time. If you do so, submit the entire document, but copy the word 'deferred' into the responses for the part you haven't completed, or the words 'previously done' into the responses for the part that has already been completed.
Rotating Strap Experiment
(formerly 'rotating straw' experiment)
NOTE: The setup for this part of the experiment is identical to that of the later experiment Angular Velocity of a Strap. You can refer to that document for pictures of the setup. Also, once you have this experiment set up, it would be fairly easy, and would not take long, to go ahead and take your data for that experiment. There's no need to do so at this time, but it would probably save you time to go ahead and get it out of the way.
If you do not yet have your complete lab materials package, you may delay this part of the experiment until you do. Your Initial Materials package contains the rubber bands and paperclips you need for the second part of this experiment, so even if you don't have the full package, you should complete that part now.
Spin the strap and time it
You have a metal 'strap' (a thin strap of framing metal, a foot long and an inch or two wide) and a die (i.e., one of a pair of gaming dice) in your lab materials package.
Now repeat the spin but this time use the TIMER to determine how long it takes to come to rest after being released (i.e., after it loses contact with your finger), and through how many revolutions it travels. You can hold onto the clip with one hand and extend a finger of that hand to start the strap spinning, leaving your other hand free to operate the TIMER.
A revolution consists of a 360-degree rotation of the strap about the axis. You should easily be able to count half-revolutions and then estimate the additional number of degrees, to come up with the rotation within an error of plus or minus 15 degrees or so. That's all the precision required here, so there is no need to bother with a protractor.
Report your results as indicated:
-------->>>>>>>>>> `dt in sec and deg of rotation, description
Put weights on the ends of the strap and repeat
Two magnets came with your materials. Attach them to the ends of the strap and repeat. Spin the strap. You can determine if the system is more stable and hence easier to use with the magnets on top of the strap, or hanging underneath it, but it should work either way.
Then repeat the above exercise.
Time at least a few 180-degree intervals and find midpoint clock times for intervals
Repeat one more time. This time click the TIMER every time an end of the strap passes a selected point, so that you will have a timing for every 180 degrees of rotation. From the data you obtain determine the average velocity of the strap, in degrees per second (this quantity is actually called 'angular velocity' because it is measured in units of angle per unit of time), for each 180 degree rotation.
Also calculate the clock time at the midpoint of each timed interval. Recall that 'clock time' is the time on a running clock.
In the indicated space below.
-------->>>>>>>>>> timer output, vAve vs midpt t, explain calculations
What is your evidence that the strap is speeding up or slowing down? Is there any way you can find in a meaningful measure of the rate at which the strap is speeding up or slowing down (i.e., how quickly the velocity is changing)?
-------->>>>>>>>>> evidence speeding up or slowing, can we determine rate at which speeding up or slowing
Opposing Rubber Bands Experiment (Measure the lengths of two opposing rubber bands)
The video link two_opposing_rubber_bands is relevant to this experiment. The link three_rubber_bands is also worth a look at this point. These links should work over the Internet and are not dependent on your DVDs.
The video link
is relevant to this experiment.
The link
is also worth a look at this point.
These links should work over the Internet and are not dependent on your DVDs.
In the Introduction to Key Systems videos, you saw a chain of rubber bands, connected with hooks made of paper clips then pulled apart a little ways at the ends.
Choose one of the thin rubber bands and one of the thicker rubber bands from your materials. Make sure there are no obvious defects on the rubber bands you choose.
Bend three paperclips to form hooks.
Now pull a little harder so the rubber bands stretch out a little.
Repeat so that the distance between the end hooks increases by another centimeter, and again take data sufficient to determine the two lengths.
Repeat twice more, so that with your last set of measurements the hooks are 4 cm further apart than at the beginning.
In the indicated space below:
-------->>>>>>>>>> lengths 1 cm total stretch; 2 cm stretch; 3 cm stretch; 4 cm stretch
Sketch a graph of length_thin vs. length_thick, where length_thin is the length of the thin rubber band and length_thick is the length of the thick rubber band. (Put another way, plot y vs. x, where y is the length of the thin rubber band and x is the length of the thick rubber band).
In the space below
------->>>>>>>>>> slope & intercept, quality of fit
Observe 2 rubber bands in series vs. a single rubber band
The system you observed previously consists of a thin rubber band pulling against a thick rubber band.
Flip a coin.
You now have two rubber bands pulling against a single rubber band. To put this just a little differently, you have a 2-rubber-band system pulling against a 1-rubber-band system.
Repeat the preceding experiment using this system. Observe the length of the 2-rubber-band chain vs. the length of the 1-rubber-band chain.
Report the slope of your graph in the indicated space below. Starting in the second line, discuss
-------->>>>>>>>>> describe system, how slope differs, why, expectations if thin rb identical, support for hypothesis not identical
Your instructor is trying to gauge the typical time spent by students on these experiments. Please answer the following question as accurately as you can, understanding that your answer will be used only for the stated purpose and has no bearing on your grades:
Please copy your completed document into the box below and submit.