Raising Water in a Vertical Tube

You will need a standard 2-liter plastic bottle to perform this experiment.  The instructions as posted show the stopper with tubes inserted through it; instead of the stopper you should use the standard bottle cap with three tubes, which was included with your lab kit.  The bottle cap is easier to use than was the stopper.

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If you don't have one you will need to obtain a 2-liter soft drink bottle.

The experiment was originally written for a rubber cork-shaped object called a stopper, with three this tubes protruding from both sides, and a 3-liter container. 

There are also several miscellaneous pieces of tubing in your kit, and none should be discarded.

The stopper looked like this, and most of the pictures in these instructions show the stopper in a 3-liter tea container.

The bottlecap looks like this, and includes a short, a medium-length and a long tube.

The lab materials package, as of Spring 2010, actually consists of two such bottlecaps, one bottle cap at each end of the longest tube.  Each cap has a short tube and a medium-length tube, inserted in the same manner as in the above picture.  NOTE:  It is possible that each cap has a single tube 'looped' through two of its holes.  If this is the case, you can cut the tube about a centimeter above the top of the cap to form a short tube, leaving the rest to form a longer tube.  After the cut you would have a short tube a few inches long extending through the cap (this will be the so-called 'pressure release' tube), a longer tube a couple of feet long (this will be the so-called 'pressure measuring tube'), and of course the tube connecting the two caps.  Wait to make the cut until you need to do so; once you've seen the setup below you should understand.

The picture below shows the stopper in a tea container, with the tubes protruding.  The short tube is 'capped' with a piece of 1/4-inch tubing, which is closed at one end by a plug of glue.  The smaller tubing fits tightly into this 'cap', which seals off the end.

The picture below shows the system set up with a 3-liter bottle. 

Initial Experiment

Notes about the tubing:

For an initial experiment, we are going see how to set up the system and apply force to raise water in a vertical tube.

The longest piece of tubing will be supported vertically above the bottle to make a 'vertical tube':


The picture below shows the bottle with the vertical tube extending out the top.  The tube is actually not all that vertical--you should try to do a little better, but if you can't it should be OK.


Mark heights on the tube and give the bottle a squeeze

In the space below:

Indicate how you perceived the force necessary to raise the water to change with the height of the water column. 

You are answering based on your perception rather than on measurements, and the perceptions of our senses are not generally linear. 

Your answer (start in the next line):



Answer the following in the space below:

Your answer (start in the next line):




If you think the force you exerted is different from the weight of the water, how could this be so?  If you think they are the same, then why do you think it is so?

Your answer (start in the next line):







Now set the system so that the tube comes out of the top of the stopper, makes a quick but smooth bend, runs horizontally a foot or so before making a quick but smooth bend to vertical.  The tube in the picture below pretty much does this, but the horizontal run is a little curvy, not perfectly horizontal.  The tube is hooked around the edge of the monitor and then runs more or less vertically, running out of the picture near the upper right.

You can set up the system, improvising with whatever resources you have handy.  Supporting the horizontal run with a board or on a book or a coffee table shelf is one possibility.

The horizontal run doesn't have to be as long as the one shown here.  10 cm or so would be sufficient.  The subsequent vertical run can also be as short as about 10 cm.

Once it's up to the horizontal section, is significant additional force required in order to move the water through the horizontal section?

Does it require significant additional force to then move the water through the subsequent vertical section?

Enter your answers in the space below:

Your answer (start in the next line):





If you were to graph your force against time, which of the graphs below do you think would most accurately depict your actions?

Enter your answers in the space below.  Include a description of the graph, the reasons you chose the graph you did and the reasons you rejected each of the others.

Your answer (start in the next line):





Your answer (start in the next line):





Your answer (start in the next line):





Your answer (start in the next line):





Your answer (start in the next line):






Continue squeezing steadily until one or two cupfuls of water have been transferred to the container.  Try to keep the flow of water slow and steady.  Try to remember what the system feels like during the process, so you can answer the following questions:

Once the water begins flowing out, you will notice that you have the squeeze the bottle further and further to displace more and more water.  The question is, do you have to exert more and more force to do this, or will a steady force accomplish the purpose?

You might have to repeat the process a couple of times before you are confident in your answer to this question.  When you do, insert your answer in the space below:

Your answer (start in the next line):




Your answer (start in the next line):




Your answer (start in the next line):




Your answer (start in the next line):




Your answer (start in the next line):



Through how much distance would your hands have to move, from the instant they touch the sides of the bottle? 

Estimate the work they would therefore do, and compare to the potential energy increase.  Which do you think would be greater, based on your experience with this system, and why?

Your answer (start in the next line):



Your instructor is trying to gauge the typical time spent by students on these experiments.  Please answer the following question as accurately as you can, understanding that your answer will be used only for the stated purpose and has no bearing on your grades: 

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Revised: 08/06/12