Submitting Assignment: Please Remove
There should be a way for me to do this automatically, but once Blackboard gets you on a list it's cumbersome to get you off the list, and if I don't have a specific request I'm not inclined to remove people from that list. There is a chance that without a specific request, I'll remove someone who should not or does not want to be removed.
So if you want to be removed I have to ask you to use this form.
You will need to fill out the form separately for every course form which you wish to be removed.
The course from which you want your name removed (e.g., Mth 151, Mth 173, Phy 121, Phy 232, Sup Study, etc. ):
The term of the course (e.g., Fall 05, Summer 05, Spring 06)
Your Name:
Your VCCS email address. This is the address you were instructed in Step 1 to obtain. If you were not able to obtain that address, indicate this below.
The reason you want your name removed (e.g., successfully completed course, withdrew from course, etc.)
If you are being removed from one course but are still enrolled in at least one of my courses, you should indicate this below. Otherwise I might remove you from the 'main' mailing list.