Tasks 1-3

The process seems to be one of reassurance. Going back and checking how well you described your answer and what steps need to be fixed is helpful. This process is also good for asking the instructor questions about troubles you may have.

2. Task: `q002.

Any question you pose in your responses should be preceded and followed by a series of at least three question marks. This is so the instructor can quickly identify your questions, and also so the instructor doesn't inadvertently overlook your question.

If you have a question about anything you see in the Orientation, please mark in in the indicated manner and include it in your response.

Please describe how you should annotate questions in your responses, and why it is important to do so:

Questions should be put down with not only one question mark, but three question marks such as ???. This gets the instructors attention so he can attend to the matter.

3. Task: `q003. If at any point of the Orientation you have trouble following instructions, let your instructor know the specifics:

Submit a copy of every instruction related to your question.

Describe what you do at each step, and what happens as a result. Include a copy of the Address box of your Internet

browser, as it appears at every step.


Once again I managed to stop the program before it deleted your information.

And once again your answers are good.

However see my previous notes and be very sure future submissions include every bit of the original document, with your answers inserted, but with nothing deleted.
