Query 7


course Mth 163


007. `query 7


Self-critique (if necessary):


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Question: `qquery predictions

Sketch your graph representing the predicted height of the low end vs. the weight on the spring.


Your solution:

I predict the spring will stretch at a greater rate as more weight is added to it. When a spring begins stretching it loses its elasticity and will permanently be stretched without weight on it. Though, in this problem the more weight added the greater the spring will stretch. I predict the graph will not really be curved, it will be close to linear.

confidence rating #$&*: 3



Given Solution: OK


I predict that the spring will stretch at a greater rate as the weight is added. In my experience, springs lose their strength as they are stretched, and will not go back to their original shape.


** Within their range of elasticity the graph is very nearly linear.

If stretched too far the spring will lose its permanent elastic properties and will then deviate from linearity **


Self-critique (if necessary):


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Question: `qcomment on how the actual graph of the data compared with your prediction


Your solution:

I predicted the graph would be linear and it was. I was pretty sure that it wouldn’t be a curve because the spring should stretch more and more with more weight, so that’s consistent. The actual graph confirmed my prediction was correct.

confidence rating #$&*: 3



Given Solution: OK

** If you predicted a linear graph then did the actual graph confirm this? If you predicted a curvature did the actual graph confirm this? **


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique Rating:


Question: `qquery linked outline

discuss your experience with the Linked Outline. Did you find it helpful?


Your solution:

I liked the linked outline. It has a lot of very meaningful information that I need to know.

confidence rating #$&*: 3



Given Solution: OK

** Many students find the Linked Outline very helpful. **


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique Rating:


Question: `qQuery Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.

Everything in this assignment made complete sense to me. I was glad I was actually able to predict the outcome of the springs graph.


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique rating:


Question: `qQuery Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.

Everything in this assignment made complete sense to me. I was glad I was actually able to predict the outcome of the springs graph.


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique rating:


&#Very good responses. Let me know if you have questions. &#