Given the delay with the textbook and the fact that most 2-semester calculus courses do not cover differential equations, I'll modify the syllabus for this semester to include only Assignments 1 - 16, omitting Assignments 17-23 and the last test.
This is still a lot to get through before graduation, so be sure to set aside a serious amount of time for the effort.
Some institutions will, under appropriate circumstances, allow a student who has not yet received a grade from another institution to go through graduation, but withold the diploma until the grade has been received. You might check on your institution's policy.
Thank you for your help and input. I am planning on graduating in May here at Emory and to graduate with my Biology degree, i need Calculus 2. I couldn't fit it in my busy schedule here this semester because only one section was offered and it conflicted with an upper level biology course that i had to have so i couldn't take it here. In an effort to graduate on time, I am taking calc 2 online. I don't need the class for anything other than obtaining my degree. However if i can't complete the assignments on time then i will receive an incomplete which i'm thinking won't allow me to graduate. Also, i dont know if it is possible for me to complete all 23 assignments in a month, especially with the course-load that i have here as well. Is there anything that i can do to possibly get credit for this class? Also, i have in my records that i got the Calculus book from the bookstore on 1/30/06 and then there was still some slight delay before we got up and running because of the transition of the books and the reprograming of the query programs. Will i be penalized for this as i had no control over it? Thank you for all of your help, i greatly appreciate it!