course Mth 174 Thank you so much for your help and understanding. I believe that i can complete the 16 assignments before the course is scheduled to be over with. I know that the course ends sometime around the first of May but i was unsure as to what the exact last day of the course was supposed to be. Perhaps you could enlighten me on this. I really appreciate your help in this matter. I realize that i will stay pretty busy but I am determined to complete it in the alotted time. Also, I am nearly finished with assignment 2 and will submit it most likely this evening however i noticed that in the query, there were no solutions to the problems. I did not know if you had planned on including the solutions to them in the query program like it was for the first assignment. If you did plan on it, i plan on being through the third assignment sometime Friday evening or Sunday at the absolute latest. If you were going to make those changes, i was wondering if you could have them done by then. As i mentioned, i am nearly finished with assignment 2 and have completed about half of the query problems and so i guess i dont need the solutions for this assignment. Thank you again for your help! I truely appreciate it