whats this

course Mth 174

Professor Smith, In the last posting of your response to assignment 12 that i completed, at the very bottom, there was this message:

Your work has not been reviewed. Please notify your instructor of the error, using the Submit Work form, and be sure to include the date 04-25-2006. Your work on this assignment is good. Let me know if you have questions. I don't konw if it was some type of malfunction or what but clearly i got all of your responses to that assignment. Thanks for your input. Also, don't worry about the assignment 10 delay. Thank you for helping me with it! Also, i have submitted assignments 11 and 13 as well however htey have not shown up on my portfolio. I don't know if you have reviewed them yet but they are not posted and I thought that I would let you know just incase something went wrong like it did with assignment 10 Also, I was wondering what the last day i could take the third test is? I have exam week here at emory starting next week and hopefully i will be able to take Test 2 today (wednesday) and hopefully test 3 on either Friday or on Saturday. However, if i couldn't get through the material in that time, i was wondering if i can take it sometime next week? I am not exactly sure when the semester ends at Highlands so i just thought I would ask. Also, I will need a grade for the class pretty quick after completion so i can get it to the registrar here so i can graduate! Thanks for all of your help! I GREATLY appreciate it! Thanks again!

The 'hasn't been reviewed' message is automatically added to everything before I review it, and I have to delete it. This ensures that if I haven't reviewed an assignment and it still gets posted, the student will know that it hasn't. Occasionally I fail to delete the message, which is what happened here.

I'm not sure yet what day I have to turn in grades--the 12th or later. However your deadline to be cleared for graduation is probably earlier than that.

Assignments 10, 11 and 12 are posted. One of those assignments, along with work from a couple of other people, somehow failed to post and was just posted this afternoon.