timer program

Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Your General Comment **

Sorry for the confunsion.

** Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **

Two sets of rows that have ten numbers in them.

** Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **

23.42188 23.42188

24.1875 0.765625

24.71875 0.53125

25.34375 0.625

25.90625 0.5625

26.4375 0.53125

26.96875 0.53125

27.51563 0.546875

28.07813 0.5625

28.625 0.546875

190.7813 190.7813

194.5625 3.78125

194.7188 0.15625

195.0156 0.296875

195.2188 0.203125

195.3906 0.171875

195.5781 0.1875

195.7344 0.15625

195.9375 0.203125

196.0938 0.15625

196.3906 0.296875

196.7344 0.34375

196.9219 0.1875

197.0938 0.171875

197.2656 0.171875

197.4375 0.171875

197.625 0.1875

197.8125 0.1875

198.0313 0.21875

198.3594 0.328125

238.5156 238.5156

238.7031 0.1875

238.875 0.171875

239.0313 0.15625

239.2031 0.171875

239.375 0.171875

239.5469 0.171875

239.7344 0.1875

239.9375 0.203125

240.0938 0.15625

240.2813 0.1875

240.4531 0.171875

240.625 0.171875

240.7969 0.171875

240.9844 0.1875

241.1875 0.203125

241.375 0.1875

241.5625 0.1875

241.75 0.1875

241.9375 0.1875

242.1875 0.25

242.4219 0.234375

249.1406 249.1406

249.3594 0.21875

249.5313 0.171875

249.7344 0.203125

249.9219 0.1875

250.1094 0.1875

250.2969 0.1875

250.4688 0.171875

250.6406 0.171875

250.8438 0.203125

251 0.15625

251.2031 0.203125

251.375 0.171875

251.5625 0.1875

251.7656 0.203125

252 0.234375

252.2031 0.203125

252.375 0.171875

252.5469 0.171875

252.7656 0.21875

252.9688 0.203125

258.5625 258.5625

258.7656 0.203125

258.9531 0.1875

259.1406 0.1875

259.3281 0.1875

259.5156 0.1875

259.7031 0.1875

259.875 0.171875

260.0781 0.203125

260.25 0.171875

260.4375 0.1875

260.6406 0.203125

260.8125 0.171875

260.9844 0.171875

261.1719 0.1875

261.375 0.203125

261.5469 0.171875

261.75 0.203125

261.9688 0.21875

262.1875 0.21875

** Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **


I copied the numbers into excell, I then performed a sum function.

** Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **

.171875, 5

.1875, 7

.203125, 5

.21875, 2

&#If you divide the difference between the 1st and 20th time clock times by the 20 - 1 = 19 time intervals you would get the average time interval, and this will agree with the average you obtained by adding the 19 intervals and dividing by 19.

More generally, if you take the difference between two clock times and the difference between their numberings, i.e., subtract the second-column numbers, subtract the first-column numbers and divide, you will get the average of the time intervals between those clock times. &#

** Your general comment to this point **

I have no Idea how you got the fifth .1875.

** Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **

No it simplily means that it rounds numbers.

** What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **

The time intervals are similar, and occur in similar sequences.

** Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **










** Your general comment to this point: **

** Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **

Your need for air is different at different times.

** Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **

The answer is C, after this point it tends to round numbers.

** Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **

Event number clock time time interval

1 2541.266 2541.266

2 2547.703 6.4375

3 2553.094 5.390625

4 2556.359 3.265625

5 2559.203 2.84375

6 2561.453 2.25

7 2564.266 2.8125

8 2566.922 2.65625

9 2570.25 3.328125

10 2573.297 3.046875

** **

one hour and fifteen minutes

** **

************* This note is added to each submission to ensure that the instructor has reviewed your work. The instructor must manually remove this note. If it hasn't been removed, and if the instructor has not made specific responses, then it is possible that your work hasn't been properly reviewed and you should notify the instructor to be sure.

Your responses have been reviewed and everything looks good.

Please let me know if you have any questions related to this orientation assignment.

timer program

Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Your General Comment **

Sorry for the confunsion.

** Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **

Two sets of rows that have ten numbers in them.

** Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **

23.42188 23.42188

24.1875 0.765625

24.71875 0.53125

25.34375 0.625

25.90625 0.5625

26.4375 0.53125

26.96875 0.53125

27.51563 0.546875

28.07813 0.5625

28.625 0.546875

190.7813 190.7813

194.5625 3.78125

194.7188 0.15625

195.0156 0.296875

195.2188 0.203125

195.3906 0.171875

195.5781 0.1875

195.7344 0.15625

195.9375 0.203125

196.0938 0.15625

196.3906 0.296875

196.7344 0.34375

196.9219 0.1875

197.0938 0.171875

197.2656 0.171875

197.4375 0.171875

197.625 0.1875

197.8125 0.1875

198.0313 0.21875

198.3594 0.328125

238.5156 238.5156

238.7031 0.1875

238.875 0.171875

239.0313 0.15625

239.2031 0.171875

239.375 0.171875

239.5469 0.171875

239.7344 0.1875

239.9375 0.203125

240.0938 0.15625

240.2813 0.1875

240.4531 0.171875

240.625 0.171875

240.7969 0.171875

240.9844 0.1875

241.1875 0.203125

241.375 0.1875

241.5625 0.1875

241.75 0.1875

241.9375 0.1875

242.1875 0.25

242.4219 0.234375

249.1406 249.1406

249.3594 0.21875

249.5313 0.171875

249.7344 0.203125

249.9219 0.1875

250.1094 0.1875

250.2969 0.1875

250.4688 0.171875

250.6406 0.171875

250.8438 0.203125

251 0.15625

251.2031 0.203125

251.375 0.171875

251.5625 0.1875

251.7656 0.203125

252 0.234375

252.2031 0.203125

252.375 0.171875

252.5469 0.171875

252.7656 0.21875

252.9688 0.203125

258.5625 258.5625

258.7656 0.203125

258.9531 0.1875

259.1406 0.1875

259.3281 0.1875

259.5156 0.1875

259.7031 0.1875

259.875 0.171875

260.0781 0.203125

260.25 0.171875

260.4375 0.1875

260.6406 0.203125

260.8125 0.171875

260.9844 0.171875

261.1719 0.1875

261.375 0.203125

261.5469 0.171875

261.75 0.203125

261.9688 0.21875

262.1875 0.21875

** Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **


I copied the numbers into excell, I then performed a sum function.

** Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **

.171875, 5

.1875, 7

.203125, 5

.21875, 2

** Your general comment to this point **

I have no Idea how you got the fifth .1875.

** Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **

No it simplily means that it rounds numbers.

** What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **

The time intervals are similar, and occur in similar sequences.

** Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **










** Your general comment to this point: **

** Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **

Your need for air is different at different times.

** Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **

The answer is C, after this point it tends to round numbers.

** Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **

Event number clock time time interval

1 2541.266 2541.266

2 2547.703 6.4375

3 2553.094 5.390625

4 2556.359 3.265625

5 2559.203 2.84375

6 2561.453 2.25

7 2564.266 2.8125

8 2566.922 2.65625

9 2570.25 3.328125

10 2573.297 3.046875

** **

one hour and fifteen minutes

** **

&#I believe you submitted this as part of a previous submission. Let me know if I'm wrong about that; if I'm right, then be sure to avoid this sort of redundancy. &#