Phy 201
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QA 19 last question
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. An 80 kg person sits on a 15-degree incline. On a coordinate system whose x axis is directed parallel to the incline, rising from left to right, the vector representing the person's weight makes an angle of 255 degrees as measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis.
Can you help me start out this question.
The weight vector is vertically downward.
If you start with an xy coordinate system with y vertically upward, the weight vector will be along the negative y axis, as angle 270 degrees relative to the positive x axis.
If you rotate the system so that the x axis is parallel to the incline, the y axis will rotate 15 degrees away from the weight vector, whose angle with the new x axis will be 255 degrees.
What is the weight of the person?
What are the x and y components of the weight vector?
Let me know if this doesn't help.