course Mth 151
This was received but with no content.
For privacy, be sure not to include your name within the document--it appears in the identifying information you give the program.
Also don't include 'name:' and "title" lines within your document. You would include all this information in an email, but not in a form submission. However thanks for being conscientious and including those lines in your first submission. You read and carried out the instructions correctly; however those instructions were just for emails.
Be sure to copy and paste the contents of any documents you have completed into the form next time you submit.
course Mth 151
1. you would mulitply 8 by 4 and see that they earned 32 dollars for the day.
2. you would divide 168 by 12 and see that they were working for 14 dollars and hour." "
1/17 11access: 00-57-410
1. you would mulitply 8 by 4 and see that they earned 32 dollars for the day.
2. you would divide 168 by 12 and see that they were working for 14 dollars and hour."
You need to insert your answers into the document and submit a copy of the entire document, with nothing deleted, but with your answers inserted.
It should take you just a couple of minutes to do this. Just copy your answers into the document. Be sure to include self-critique and confidence ratings, as instructed.