assignment 1-QUERY

course mth 151

I had a question about number 2. I dont understand why they included LPJ and Clinton in the set when they asked for the president in BETWEEN them.I submitted this on 01/20/10

The word 'between' is somewhat ambiguous, but in the mathematical sense an interval between two numbers includes those two numbers. Similarly the presidents between LBJ and Clinton include LBJ and Clinton.

However 'between' isn't actually a mathematical term, and I wouldn't be picky about it if it appeared on a test. I would accept either interpretation.

access code, title and name lines should appear in emails, but not in form submissions.

1. The list of elements would include both the numbers 4 to 14 and the numbers in between. Therefore the numbers would be [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

2. The list of president between LPJ and Clinton would be { Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Regan, George W Bush, William Clinton}

3. It’s infinite because there are so many numbers in between just the numbers 0 and 1.

4. n(A) is all the options possible for the set of U.S. Senators. So therefore n(A) is 100 because there are 100 senators in the U.S.

5. Well we know that x has to be a negative numbers so we at least have a set of options for this element set.

6. The statement is true because 2 in this question is just a number. {2} could be a set of a subset but in this case the 2 is just a number and can’t be in the subset.

7. It is false because the element 12 is only in C, not B.


See my previous notes about inserting your responses into the original documents.

However you are obviously doing good work and asking good questions. I have no concern about your progress in the course.