course MTH 158
02/01 around 11
3. strict 6. true
9. false
13. ½ >0
16. -3 < -5/2
19. ½ = 0.5
22. ¼ = 0.25
26. v > -5
29. (colored in circle)
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
31. (open circle)
-2 -1 0 1 2
34. 3
37. 6
40. -3
44. –1/5
46. -7/3
49. 5
52. 2
58. A. 10/3
B. 2
C. 1/0 no solution
D. -2
62. A.27/8
B. 1/0 no solution
C. 0/-1
D. -1/2
64. A. 727/30
B. 81/4
C. -2/3
D. 83/2
69. 0 degrees C
70. 99.999 degrees C
73. 16
76. -16
79. 9
82. 6
85. 64x^6
90. y/x
94. 125x^6/216y^6
97. 5
102. 2
105. ½
108. A. 74
B. 44
111. 304006.671
117. 0.000
120. 32.14
122. 4.21 * 10^-3
125. 4.23 * 10^-4
128. 9,700
131. 110.000,000
134. 0.6453
137. c = d(pie)
140. p = 3(x)
149. A. 2<5 (lesser than or equal to)
B. 6<5 (lesser than or equal to)
152. A. 1.6 > 1.5 (greater than or equal to)
B. 1.4 > 1.5 (greater than or equal to)
156. 1 x 10 ^10
158. 5 x 10^2
161. No 1/3 is larger by 0.000333…
See my note on your submission for section R.1, and please submit the open query for assignment 2.