question form


mth 272

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Question Form_labelMessages **

The Bookstore sent wrong CD

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I talked to the bookstore on the phone and they said they would send the CD for the class mth 272. They sent 1 disk and it does not have what you showed in the using your dvds part of orientation. I am going to call them, but I will be set back in my course because the dvd does not have the full information on it. Is there anything I can do to get past this or is there any way to help me get the proper ones from the bookstore.

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Why did they send me 1 disk that has mth 272 written on it with the wrong information when there should be 2?

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What should I do to get the Disks? They did not have them last time I called or they did not at first. They said they found them, but sent me an incorrect one. What should I do to continue with my work without the disks?


It appears that I had the wrong documents linked on your homepage.

The first Orientation assignment, where you were given the link to your homepage, was also incorrect. You won't need to redo that one, but do check it out so you have the right links.

If you refresh your homepage you should now see the correct documents.

However, just to be sure,

Link to first orientation document:

Link to homepage:

Link to the document related to the disk:



Thanks for pointing this out.
