question form


Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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Mr. Smith,

I am writing to ask about exam 3. I completed it on Tuesday July 28. My proctor from UVA Wise should have faxed it to you. I just wanted to make sure you have recevied it because my grade has not been posted yet. I am taking exam 4 today.

Also, I have not received lab kit part 2 yet so that I can finish the labs for the last part of the course. I am trying to have everything done by next Friday Aug 7 (the remaining labs and the final exam) because the pharmacy school is requesting my transcript. I told them I haven't finished the class yet, but that I was trying my best to. I have already requested the lab kit from the bookstore and paid; I just need the kit so I can work on them. Thank you.

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I was in the bookstore yesterday and noticed a note about your lab materials. Hopefully they have by now been shipped.

Email me Monday if they haven't arrived by then.

If you haven't received your results this afternoon, email me.