Phy 121
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There isn't a set date for test #1, so I am kind of confused. Is there a certain date we have to complete it by? At the beginning of module 2 on the brief assignment, it says Test #1 (cumulative through Module 2) assigned as part of Assignment 21. Can you explain a little further about what test 1 will cover and when it is due, or provide a place where I can figure it out?
Test #1 will cover everything through Assignment 20.
However the Major Quiz is the first actual test, as indicated in the Course of Study. That is due soon, and it covers Module 1 (Preliminary Assignment - Assignment 8).
Check instructions under 'Testing' in the menu for your homepage. Among other things this information includes a link to actual randomized tests.
You should complete through Assignment 8 to prepare for the Major Quiz. If you haven't completed through Assignment 8, then you're somewhat behind the posted schedule, and you should work to catch up.