question form

Mth 151

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

Hello. I am lost regarding the queries. I don't seem to be able to understand which number to use when it asks for Assignment. I have read the queries section. The assignment page does not state this as mandatory. It statesif you are using. THe assignment sheet also indicates to use the SUBMIT WORK form but you indicated to me not to use it.

Also, How do I represent the Venn Diagrams on the computer.

I recommend that you use the Open Queries instead of the query program. Copy the Open Query document into a text editor, insert your answers, confidence assessments, self-critiques and self-critique assessments, and submit using the Submit Work Form.

The only thing that's really required is the tests. However to get my feedback and assistance, you need to submit the qa's and queries.

I hoping MOnday to take a test. Am i understanding......the test is to be printed out and worked on paper?

Also....would the chapter test be a good indication of what the actual test is like?

Do I go to campus and take the test? Is it open all hours?

Tests are administered in the Learning Lab, which is located within the library in the LRC building on campus.

Tests are on the 'real' homepages for all my courses, under the link 'tests'.

You can access my tests at by clicking on the blue Tests 'button'. You can view as many of them as you wish.

There is a new test every 5 minutes.

You print out a test and, within 10 minutes, have the attendant sign it. The attendant will direct you to the testing room and you will return the test to the attendant when you are done.

If you don't do as well as you wish on the test, I'll give you feedback and advice and you can take another. I count the higher grade, so there's no risk.

I believe Learning Lab hours are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., but my word is unofficial. They are great to work with, but I don't set their hours and their policy on testing times. I suggest you call VHCC, ask for the Learning Lab, and verify their hours. Tests do have to be done by their closing time, and they can give you the details. Most students require under an hour to complete a test, but some students take much longer.

You need to read and follow the instructions printed on the test. Here's a copy of the cover sheet for the current test: Except for the time and date stamp, the cover sheet is the same for all tests.

Time and Date Stamps (logged): 05:42:02 03-27-2009


Liberal Arts Mathematics I

Liberal Arts Mathematics I Chapter 2 Test

10-05-2001 16:19:50

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printed from different browser check to be sure test items have not been cut off.  If

items are cut off then print in Landscape Mode (choose File, Print, click on Properties

and check the box next to Landscape, etc.). 

Name and Signature of Student


Signed by Attendant, with Current Date and Time:


If picture ID has been matched with student and name as

given above, Attendant please sign here:  _________


Directions for Student: