
course phy241

10/24 3 i didnt understand that last set of questions

Deflection of ball down ramp from path`qx001. How far did the ball travel after leaving the end of the ramp, in the trial without the magnet, and what therefore was its horizontal velocity during the fall, assuming a fall time of .4 second?




`qx002. What is the maximum deflection of the ball, due to the presence of the magnet, from its original straight-line path?


approx 30cm, it went off the paper


`qx003. What velocity does the ball therefore attain, in the direction perpendicular to its original straight-line path, as a result of the magnet?


approx 75cm/s


`qx004. Assume the ball was close enough to the magnet to have its motion significantly influenced for a distance of 5 centimeters. How long did it take for the ball to travel this distance?


approx .1s


`qx005. Assume that the ball has a mass of 60 grams. How much momentum did it gain, in the direction perpendicular to its original line of motion, as a result of the magnet?




`qx006. What therefore was the average rate of change of its momentum with respect to clock time, for the 5-cm interval during which the magnet significantly affected its motion?




`qx007. What were the measurements by which you can calculate the slope of your ramp? What was the slope of the ramp?


2 dominos 1.8cm, 30cm ramp



Acceleration of gravity

`qx008. What was your count for the object dropped in the stairwell? To what time interval in seconds does your count correspond?


8 count

1.6 sec (.2 per count)


`qx009. What was your count for the object dropped in the stairwell? To what time interval in seconds does your count correspond?



`qx010. What was the distance the object fell (1 block = 8 inches or about 20 centimeters)?


floor (27 blocks, 540cm)

stair (25 blocks, 500cm)


`qx011. Using the distance of fall and the time interval in seconds, find the acceleration of the falling object.



a=422cm/s^2 to floor


University Physics Students Only

`qx012. Find the initial velocity of the falling ball, based on your measurements of x, y, x0, y0 and your determination of sin(theta) and cos(theta).



`qx013. Find the time of fall of the ball.



`qx014. Questions about uncertainties:

* What is your estimated uncertainty in the measurements you used to determine sin(theta)?

* What therefore is your uncertainty in sin(theta)?

* What uncertainty does this introduce into your determination of v0?



`qx015. Based on a single trapezoid of the graph of F vs. x for magnet forces, explain the meaning of the slope and the area of this graph.



`qx016. Based on a single trapezoid of the graph of PE vs. x for magnet forces, explain the meaning of the slope and the area of this graph.



GOod answers overall. We'll address that last experiment in class.
