course Phy 231 For some reason the programs I ran yesterday created two files - Send_0215, and Send_0215Dan_Gresham. I'll send them both separately, as they are separate data.
10:08:23 Explain in your own words how the standard deviation of a set of numbers is calculuated.
RESPONSE --> The standard deviation is calculated by first determining what the mean of a group of numbers is. Once the mean is know, the absolute value of the difference between each number and the mean is calculated. Those absolute values are then squared and the numbers are all summed up to give one total value; this value is then divided by either the total number of deviations (if the number is greater then 30) or by one less than the total number (if the total number of deviations is less than 30). Once this value is known, we take the square root and this gives us the standard deviation. confidence assessment: 3
10:19:36 Explain in your own words the process of fitting a straight line to a graph of y vs. x data, and briefly discuss the nature of the uncertainties encountered in the process. For example, you might address the question of how two different people, given the same graph, might obtain different results for the slope and the vertical intercept.
RESPONSE --> Fitting a straight line to a plot of points is sometimes challenging because of uncertainties in the process. The line should almost never pass through the actual points themselves. It is often difficult to surmise exactly how steep the line is (or what the slope is) based on points, specifically if they are not fairly close to one another. It is also difficult to accurately gauge where the y-intercept is located, given the subjectivity of determining the slope. confidence assessment: 2
10:20:54 Briefly state what you think velocity is and how you think it is an example of a rate.
RESPONSE --> Velocity is the chance in distance relative to time. It is an example of a rate because you are gauging a particular distance traveled and dividing it by some unit of time. confidence assessment: 3
10:21:08 ** A rate is a change in something divided by a change in something else. This question concerns velocity, which is the rate of change of position: change in position divided by change in clock time. **
RESPONSE --> OK self critique assessment: 3
10:22:14 Given average speed and time interval how do you find distance moved?
RESPONSE --> To find distance moved, you would multiply the speed by the time interval. The time units would cancel out, leaving only the distance units. confidence assessment: 3
10:22:22 ** You multiply average speed * time interval to find distance moved. For example, 50 miles / hour * 3 hours = 150 miles. **
RESPONSE --> OK self critique assessment: 3
10:26:24 Given average speed and distance moved how do you find the corresponding time interval?
RESPONSE --> To find corresponding time interval you divide the distance travelled by the speed. Example: travelled 20 m at a speed of 10 m/s, equals 2 s. confidence assessment: 3
10:26:51 ** time interval = distance / average speed. For example if we travel 100 miles at 50 mph it takes 2 hours--we divide the distance by the speed. In symbols, if `ds = vAve * `dt then `dt = `ds/vAve. Also note that (cm/s ) / s = cm/s^2, not sec, whereas cm / (cm/s) = cm * s / cm = s, as appropriate in a calculation of `dt. **
RESPONSE --> OK self critique assessment: 3
10:27:56 Given time interval and distance moved how do you get average speed?
RESPONSE --> Average speed would equal the total distance moved divided by the time interval. Ex: 100 m in 10 s = 10 m/s confidence assessment: 3
10:28:05 ** Average speed = distance / change in clock time. This is the definition of average speed. For example if we travel 300 miles in 5 hours we have been traveling at an average speed of 300 miles / 5 hours = 60 miles / hour. **
RESPONSE --> OK self critique assessment: 3
yǸvזy assignment #001 001. Physics I 02-15-2009
10:51:02 Explain in your own words how the standard deviation of a set of numbers is calculuated.
RESPONSE --> already completed - form crashed for some reason after question on average speed confidence assessment: 3
10:51:07 Explain in your own words the process of fitting a straight line to a graph of y vs. x data, and briefly discuss the nature of the uncertainties encountered in the process. For example, you might address the question of how two different people, given the same graph, might obtain different results for the slope and the vertical intercept.
RESPONSE --> already completed - form crashed for some reason after question on average speed confidence assessment: 3
10:51:12 Briefly state what you think velocity is and how you think it is an example of a rate.
RESPONSE --> already completed - form crashed for some reason after question on average speed confidence assessment: 3
10:51:15 ** A rate is a change in something divided by a change in something else. This question concerns velocity, which is the rate of change of position: change in position divided by change in clock time. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
10:51:19 Given average speed and time interval how do you find distance moved?
RESPONSE --> already completed - form crashed for some reason after question on average speed confidence assessment: 3
10:51:26 ** You multiply average speed * time interval to find distance moved. For example, 50 miles / hour * 3 hours = 150 miles. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
10:51:30 Given average speed and distance moved how do you find the corresponding time interval?
RESPONSE --> already completed - form crashed for some reason after question on average speed confidence assessment: 3
10:51:35 ** time interval = distance / average speed. For example if we travel 100 miles at 50 mph it takes 2 hours--we divide the distance by the speed. In symbols, if `ds = vAve * `dt then `dt = `ds/vAve. Also note that (cm/s ) / s = cm/s^2, not sec, whereas cm / (cm/s) = cm * s / cm = s, as appropriate in a calculation of `dt. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
10:51:41 Given time interval and distance moved how do you get average speed?
RESPONSE --> already completed - form crashed for some reason after question on average speed confidence assessment: 3
10:51:46 ** Average speed = distance / change in clock time. This is the definition of average speed. For example if we travel 300 miles in 5 hours we have been traveling at an average speed of 300 miles / 5 hours = 60 miles / hour. **
RESPONSE --> OK self critique assessment: 3
{`ػƏޥ˟Ê assignment #001 001. Physics I 02-15-2009
10:52:38 Explain in your own words how the standard deviation of a set of numbers is calculuated.
RESPONSE --> already completed - form crashed for some reason after question on average speed confidence assessment: 3
10:52:43 Explain in your own words the process of fitting a straight line to a graph of y vs. x data, and briefly discuss the nature of the uncertainties encountered in the process. For example, you might address the question of how two different people, given the same graph, might obtain different results for the slope and the vertical intercept.
RESPONSE --> already completed - form crashed for some reason after question on average speed confidence assessment: 3
10:52:53 Briefly state what you think velocity is and how you think it is an example of a rate.
RESPONSE --> already completed - form crashed for some reason after question on average speed confidence assessment: 3
10:52:58 ** A rate is a change in something divided by a change in something else. This question concerns velocity, which is the rate of change of position: change in position divided by change in clock time. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
10:53:03 Given average speed and time interval how do you find distance moved?
RESPONSE --> already completed - form crashed for some reason after question on average speed confidence assessment: 3
10:53:08 ** You multiply average speed * time interval to find distance moved. For example, 50 miles / hour * 3 hours = 150 miles. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
10:53:13 Given average speed and distance moved how do you find the corresponding time interval?
RESPONSE --> already completed - form crashed for some reason after question on average speed confidence assessment: 3
10:53:15 ** time interval = distance / average speed. For example if we travel 100 miles at 50 mph it takes 2 hours--we divide the distance by the speed. In symbols, if `ds = vAve * `dt then `dt = `ds/vAve. Also note that (cm/s ) / s = cm/s^2, not sec, whereas cm / (cm/s) = cm * s / cm = s, as appropriate in a calculation of `dt. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
10:53:21 Given time interval and distance moved how do you get average speed?
RESPONSE --> already completed - form crashed for some reason after question on average speed confidence assessment: 3
10:53:27 ** Average speed = distance / change in clock time. This is the definition of average speed. For example if we travel 300 miles in 5 hours we have been traveling at an average speed of 300 miles / 5 hours = 60 miles / hour. **
RESPONSE --> OK self critique assessment: 3