

course phy202

12/2/10 5:15pm

Hello,Thank you very much for getting back to me, I just wanted to let you know that i have been reviewing this class alot and will be taking test 3 on tuesday, and test 4 on wednesday.

again, i really appreciate you working with me to finish this class. i feel like i have greatly benefited from it. i know im cutting it very close here.

I am really hoping i can at least pass the class with a C or higher.

I have definitely learned my lesson on waiting till the last minute to do things!

thanks so much again for your help.

P.S. Do you want me to send any of the lab equipment back so that they can be reused?

Thanks for offering to return the items, but you've paid for them. I wouldn't want you to have to pay shipping to return them.

If I had a system for determining financial need, I could direct returned items to students who have a need, but since I'm not equipped to handle (or, for that matter, judge) students' financial information that's not an option.

The materials would probably end up being recycled and sold again through the bookstore, which would be unfair to you on a couple of levels.

In any case, good luck on the tests. I'll look forward to turning in a good grade for you.