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course Mth 173

ʢ̿J΁~ijpassignment #021

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Calculus I




**** Query Problem 4.8.1 (3d edition 3.8.4). x graph v shape from (0,2) |slope|=1, y graph sawtooth period 2, |y|<=2, approx sine.

Describe the motion of the particle described by the two graphs.



The motion of the particle in graph 1

(0,2) |slope|=1

slope = -1

moving left

velocity 1

at x=2

slope = 1

moving back

moving right

The motion of the particle in graph 2


changes quickly from either positive to negative or vice versa.




** The question was about the motion of the particle.

The graphs are of position vs. time, i.e., x vs. t for a particle moving on the x axis. The slope of a position vs. time graph of a particle is the velocity of the particle.

The first graph has slope -1 for negative values of t. So up to t = 0 the particle is moving to the left at velocity 1. Then when the particle reaches x = 2 the slope becomes +1, indicating that the velocity of the particle instantaneously changes from -1 to +1 at t = 0 and the particle moves back off to the right.

On the second graph the velocity of the particle changes abruptly--instantaneously, in fact--when the graph reaches a sharp point, which it does twice between t = 0 and t = 2. At these points velocity goes from positive to negative or from negative to positive.

Velocity is a maximum when the slope takes its greatest positive value as the graph passes upward through the x axis where the slope is probably 4 (I don't have the graph in front of me so that might be off, but if x goes from -2 to 2 as t changes by 1 the slope will be 4), and is a minimum when the slope takes its lowest negative value as the graph passes through the x axis going downward (slope -4?). So every 2 time units the particle will go from maximum positive velocity 4 to lowest negative velocity -4, as the ball goes from position x = -2 to x = +2 and back. **






Query problem 4.8.21 (3d edition 3.8.16). Ellipse centered (0,0) thru (+-5, 0) and (0, +-7).Give your parameterization of the curve.



x = cos(t)

y = sin(t)

0 <= t < 2 pi

x = 5 cos(t)

y = 7 sin(t)


x = 5 cos(0)

y = 7 sin(0)


t= pi/2

x = 5 cos(pi/2)

y = 7 sin(pi/2)



x = 5 cos(pi)

y = 7 sin(pi)


t=3 pi/2

x = 5 cos(3 pi/2)

y = 7 sin(3 pi/2)


t= 2 pi

x = 5 cos(2 pi)

y = 7 sin(2 pi)





The standard parameterization of a unit circle (i.e., a circle of radius 1) is x = cos(t), y = sin(t), 0 <= t < 2 pi.

An ellipse is essentially a circle elongated in two directions. To elongate the circle in such a way that its major and minor axes are the x and y axes we can simply multiply the x and y coordinates by the appropriate factors. An ellipse through the given points can therefore be parameterized as

x = 5 cos (t), y = 7 sin (t), 0 <= t < 2 pi.

To confirm the parameterization, at t = 0, pi/2, pi, 3 pi/2 and 2 pi we have the respective points (x, y):

(5 cos(0), 7 sin(0) ) = (5, 0)

(5 cos(pi/2), 7 sin(pi/2) ) = (0, 7)

(5 cos(pi), 7 sin(pi) ) = (-5, 0)

(5 cos(3 pi/2), 7 sin(3 pi/2) ) = (0, -7)

(5 cos(pi), 7 sin(pi) ) = (5, 0). **






Query 4.8.23 (was 3.8.18). x = t^3 - t, y = t^2, t = 2.What is the equation of the tangent line at t = 2 and how did you obtain it?



t = 2

dx/dt = 3t^2 - 1

3(2^2) - 1

3(4) - 1

12 - 1


dy/dt = 2t



x = 6 + 11(t)

t = x-6 / 11

y = 4 + 4(t)

y = 4+4(x-6)/11

y = 4/11(x) + 20/11

y = 4/11(6) + 20/11

y = 24/11 + 20/11

y = 44/11

y = 4




** Derivatives are dx/dt = 3t^2 - 1, which at t = 2 is dx/dt = 11, and

dy/dt = 2t, which at t=2 is 4.

We have x = 6 + 11 t, which solved for t gives us t = (x - 6) / 11, and y = 4 + 4 t.

Substituting t = (x-6)/11 into y = 4 + 4 t we get

y = 4 + 4(x-6)/11 = 4/ll x + 20/11.

Note that at t = 2 you get x = 6 so y = 4/11 * 6 + 20/11 = 44/11 = 4.


The slope at t = 2 is dy/dx = dy/dt / (dx/dt) = 4 / 11.

The equation of the line thru (6, 4) with slope 4/11 is

y - 4 = 4/11 ( x - 6), which simplifies to

y = 4/11 x + 20/11. **






Query 4.8.12 (3d edition 3.8.22). x = cos(t^2), y = sin(t^2).What is the speed of the particle?




x = dx/dt

y = dy/dt

x = cos(t^2)

dx/dt = -2(t) sin (t)^2

y = sin(t^2)

dy/dt = 2(t) cos (t)^2

(-2(t) sin (t)^2)^2 + (2(t) cos (t)^2)^2(^1/2)

(-4t^2 sin^2 (t^2)) + (4t^2 cos^2 (t^2))^1/2




The velocities in the x and y directions are dx / dt and dy / dt.

Since x = cos(t^2) we have

dx/dt = -2(t) sin (t)^2.

Since y = sin(t^2) we have dy/dt = 2(t) cos (t)^2.

Speed is the magnitude of the resultant velocity speed = | v | = sqrt(vx^2 + vy^2) so we have

speed = {[-2(t) sin (t)^2]^2 + [2(t) cos (t)^2]^2}^1/2.

This simplifies to

{-4t^2 sin^2(t^2) + 4 t^2 cos^2(t^2) } ^(1/2) or

(4t^2)^(1/2) { -sin^2(t^2) + cos^2(t^2) }^(1/2) or

2 | t | { -sin^2(t^2) + cos^2(t^2) }^(1/2). **



be sure you understand the factorization and simplification in the last line




Does the particle ever come to a stop? If so when? If not why not?



The particle stops when v = 0

v = 0 when t = 0




** The particle isn't moving when v = 0.

v = 2 | t | { -sin^2(t^2) + cos^2(t^2) }^(1/2) is zero when

t = 0 or when

-sin^2(t^2) + cos^2(t^2) = 0.

t = 0 gives x = cos(0) = 1 and y = sin(0) = 0, so it isn't moving at (1, 0).

More generally:

-sin^2(t^2) + cos^2(t^2) = 0 when sin(t^2) = cos(t^2).

Since sin(z) = cos(z) when z = `pi/4 or when x = 5 `pi / 4, and in general when z = (4n + 1) `pi / 4, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

sin^2(t^2) = cos^2(t^2) when t^2 = `pi/4 or 5 `pi / 4 or (4n+1)`pi/4, i.e., when

t = +- `sqrt( `pi/4), +- `sqrt(5 `pi / 4), or +-`sqrt(4n+1)`pi/4 for n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... . **



Your response did not agree with the given solution in all details, and you should therefore have addressed the discrepancy with a full self-critique, detailing the discrepancy and demonstrating exactly what you do and do not understand about the given solution, and if necessary asking specific questions.




Query problem 3.9.18 (3d edition 3.9.8) (was 4.8.20) square the local linearization of e^x at x=0 to obtain the approximate local linearization of e^(2x)






2x + 1

x^2 + 2x + 1




** The local linearization is the tangent line.

The line tangent to y = e^x at x = 0 is the line with slope y ' = e^x evaluated at x = 0, or slope 1. The line passes through (0, e^0) = (0, 1).

The local linearization, or the tangent line, is therefore (y-1) = 1 ( x - 0) or y = x + 1.

The line tangent to y = e^(2x) is y = 2x + 1.

Thus near x = 0, since (e^x)^2 = e^(2x), we might expect to have (x + 1)^2 = 2x + 1.

This is not exactly so, because (x + 1)^2 = x^2 + 2x + 1, not just 2x+1.

However, near x = 0 we see that x^2 becomes insignificant compared to x (e.g., .001^ 2 = .000001), so for sufficiently small x we see that x^2 + 2x + 1 is as close as we wish to 2x + 1. **






What do you get when you multiply the local linearization of e^x by itself, and in what sense is it consistent with the local linearization of e^(2x)? Which of the two expressions for e^(2x) is more accurate and why?






** The local linearization of e^(2x) is y = 2x + 1.

The square of the local linearization 1 + x of e^x is y = (x + 1)^2 = x^2 + 2x + 1 .

The two functions differ by the x^2 term. Near x = 0 the two graphs are very close, since if x is near 0 the value of x^2 will be very small. As we move away from x = 0 the x^2 term becomes more significant, giving the graph of the latter a slightly upward concavity, which for awhile nicely matches the upward concavity of y = e^(2x). The linear function cannot do this, so the square of the local linearization of e^x more closely fits the e^(2x) curve than does the local linearization of e^(2x). **



I accidently pressed enter.




Query problem 3.9.22 (3d edition 3.9.12) T = 2 `pi `sqrt(L / g). How did you show that `dT = T / (2 L) * `dL?






** `sqrt(L/g) can be written as `sqrt(L) / `sqrt(g). It's a good idea to make this separation because L is variable, g is not.

So dT / dL = 2 `pi / `sqrt(g) * [ d(`sqrt(L) ) / dL ].

[ d(`sqrt(L) ) / dL ] is the derivative of `sqrt(L), or L^(1/2), with respect to L. So

[ d(`sqrt(L) ) / dL ] = 1 / 2 L^(-1/2) = 1 / (2 `sqrt(L)).

Thus dT / dL = 2 `pi / [ `sqrt(g) * 2 `sqrt(L) ] = `pi / [ `sqrt(g) `sqrt(L) ] .

This is the same as T / (2 L), since T / (2 L) = 2 `pi `sqrt(L / g) / (2 L) = `pi / (`sqrt(g) `sqrt(L) ).

Now since dT / dL = T / (2 L) we see that the differential is

`dT = dT/dL * `dL or

`dT = T / (2 L) * `dL. **






If we wish to estimate length to within 2%, within what % must we know L?



'dL = .02L

'dT = T/(2L) * .02L

.02T / 2


T = within 1%

L = within 2%




** If `dL = .02 L then `dT = T / (2 L) * .02 L = .02 T / 2 = .01 T.

This tells us that to estimate T to within 1% we need to know L to within 2%. **






Query problem 4.7.4 (3d edition 4.8.9) graphs similar to -x^3 and x^3 at a.

What is the sign of lim{a->a} [ f(x)/ g(x) ]?

How do you know that the limit exists and how do you know that the limit has the sign you say it does?






** If one graph is the negative of the other, as appears to be the case, then for any x we would have f(x) / g(x) = -1. So the limit would have to be -1.

It doesn't matter that at x = 0 we have 0 / 0, because what happens AT the limiting point doesn't matter, only what happens NEAR the limiting point, where 'nearness' is unlimited by always finite (i.e., never 0). **



Self-critique should be included here.




Query 4.7.8 (3d edition 3.10.8) lim{x -> 0} [ x / (sin x)^(1/3) ].What is the given limit and how did you obtain it?



l'Hopital's Rule:

f'(x) = 1

g'(x) = 1/3 sin(x) ^ -2/3

1/1/3 sin(x) ^-2/3

3 sin(x) ^ 2/3

As x approaches 0 then sin(x) is approaches 0 which means that f'(x)/g'(x) is 0




As x -> 0 both numerator f(x) = x and the denominator g(x) = sin(x)^(1/3) both approach 0 as a limit. So we use l'Hopital's Rule

f ' (x) = 1 and g ' (x) = 1/3 sin(x)^(-2/3), so f ' (x) / g ' (x) = 1 / (1/3 sin(x)^(-2/3) ) = 3 sin(x)^(2/3).

Since as x -> 0 we have sin(x) -> 0 the limiting value of f ' (x) / g ' (x) is 0.

It follows from l'Hopital's Rule that the limiting value of f(x) / g(x) is also zero.






What are the local linearizations of x and sin(x)^(1/3) and how do they allow you to answer the preceding question?



As x approaches 0, the denominator and numerator increases and approaches 0




** The local linearization of the numerator is just y = x.

The denominator doesn't have a local linearization at 0; rather it approaches infinite slope.

This means that as x -> 0 the ratio of the denominator function to the numerator function increases without bound, making the values of numerator / denominator approach zero. **



there is a very important concept in this response; you should self-critique




Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.






I am confused on l'Hopital`s rule:

How do you know when it can or cannot be used to evaluate a fn?

I understand that f(a)=g(a)=0 and g'(x) cannot equal zero, but what are the other limitations?

** Those are the only limitations. Check that these conditions hold, then you are free to look at the limiting ratio f '(a) / g ' (a) of the derivatives.

For example, on #18 the conditions hold for (a) (both limits are zero) but not for (b) (numerator isn't 0) and not for (c) (denominator doesn't have a limit). **





Your work is OK overall, but you failed to self-critique some important given solutions, and it isn't clear how well you understand the reasoning behind local linearization and l'Hopital's Rule. Let me know if you have questions.