rubber band calibration


Your 'rubber band calibration' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Your initial comment (if any): **

** first line ruler markings, distance in actual cm between ends, how obtained: **

0, 5.3cm


through the measuring

** The basis for your uncertainty estimate: **

the rubber is not one of regularity

** Positions of the ends of each rubber band, actual lengths of each when the chain supports 1 domino: **



** Distances between ends when supporting 2 dominoes **

5.3,6.1, 5.4, 5.4

they were streached

** Lengths when supporting 4, 6, ... dominoes: **






There are a number of rubber bands, and each should have been measured when supporting four different numbers of dominoes.

I don't think any of these rubber bands are shorter then 7 cm before stretching, so I don't understand the lengths in the 5-6 cm range. Are these accurate? Did you use the rubber bands in the materials package?

The length you report of 4 cm when supporting at least four dominoes is shorter than any of the lengths reported when supporting 2 dominoes. None of the rubber bands will be shorter when supporting a greater number of dominoes.

Please clarify.

** Your table of force in Newtons vs. length in cm for all rubber bands **




This table should show force and length information for all the rubber bands, in the format specified in the instructions.

** Describe the graph of your first rubber band **

linear though it is a little off the from astraight graph

** The tension force in your first rubber band at length 9.8 cm: **


** The length of your first rubber band when tension is 1.4 N: **


** The forces at your observed lengths the 1st rubber band, as given by the curve, and the deviations of those curve-predicted lengths from the observed lengths: **

my estimates are that the graph would curve upward around 6 or 8 dominoes

the curve is a portion of the notion.

** The lengths predicted for forces .19 N, .38 N, .76 N, 1.14 N, etc. by the curve for your first rubber band; the deviations of your actual observations from these predictions: **

8.7, 8.9, 9.3, 9.8, 10.1

they are greater than my lengths

** The typical error you estimate when predicting force for a given length from your graphs: **

i have more faith in the given than mine

id say an uncertincy of +- .1 N

** The typical error you estimate when predicting length for a given force from your graphs: **

I estimate uncertintly of +- .16cm

** **

1hr 20min

** **

The data you report need to be clarified. In some cases more data need to be reported.

The data do not appear to be connected in any obvious way with your conclusions, which in themselves are mostly reasonable. Please clarify this also.

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