pearl pendulum

Your work on pearl pendulum has been received. We will look at your data later in the context of the entire group's data on this experiment.

The experiment may be flawed do to human error, especially in the step of placing dominoes under the text book. Those instructions might have been misunderstood. If no corrections are needed in the measurements, please explain how the results prove the hypothesis. Thank you.

If the rhythm is constant, then since the amplitude of the swing is decreasing, the time between 'hits' must not depend on the amplitude, only on the length of the pendulum.

If you increased the length, the time between the 'hits' would also increase, but again the rhythm would stay the same even as the amplitude of the swing decreased.

the sounds get closer

they become further apart

placed a folded paper under the back end.

paper was folded three times.

Place the dominos at the top corners, I rotate the bracket approximately 45 degrees. Results show that the close the front is to being tilted back, the faster it comes to rest. Additionally, the closer it is to being tilted forward, it slows to the point that it no longer bounces. However, the closer it is to the left or right side, the pendilum is at a steady beat until it comes to a rest.

From the left or right side.

1 140.4922 2 140.8633 .371

3 148.5156 7.652 4 148.8125 .297

5 154.4609 5.648 6 154.832 .371

7 160.6211 5.789 8 160.9492 .328

9 253.7461 92.797 10 254.0859 .340

11 263.4375 9.352 12 263.7578 .320

13 268.2656 4.508 14 268.5156 .250

15 273.5625 5.047 16 273.875 .313

it fluctuates around the same rythim.

8.5 cm

.34 .41 .45


faster but with shorter distance

faster but still has shorter distance

almost coming to a rest, but still, the rate at which the beat increases is more steady than when it is tilted up.

I think that the kenetic energy is lost on impact so the first interval would be longer, do to the fact that it built up enough positive energy to bring it to nearly the same point as release.


the near perfect rythim for the pearl indicates that length builds up the positive energy regardless of distance.