timer program

Your work on timer program has been received. We will look at your data later in the context of the entire group's data on this experiment.

See my note on your question about the meaning of the second number.

sets of two numbers.

1 329.0898 329.0898 2 329.2813 .1914063 3 329.4805 .1992188 4 329.6836 .203125 5 329.8906 .2070313 6 330.1133 .2226563 7 330.3438 .2304688 8 330.5547 .2109375 9 330.793 .2382813 10 331.0156 .2226563 11 331.2422 .2265625 12 331.4727 .2304688 13 331.7031 .2304688 14 331.9336 .2304688 15 332.1367 .203125 16 332.3672 .2304688 17 332.6055 .2382813 18 332.8164 .2109375 19 333.0352 .21875 20 333.2188 .1835938 21 333.4453 .2265625 22 333.6563 .2109375


(333.2188-329.0898)/19 differences

.1914063, 1 .1992188, 1 .203125, 2 .2070313, 1 .2226563, 2 .2304688, 5 .2109375, 3 .2382813, 2 .2265625, 2 .21875, 1 .1835938, 1 .25, 1

The timer reports two numbers, the second is time between the number in the previous number. What does the first number represent? is the first number randomly chosen and then the differences affect the next number?

That first number is the running time since your first click (in some versions, the running time since you opened the program). This running time is called the 'clock time'.

It's rounding by 7 decimal places, and perhaps the human body is more likely to develop a rythem at times.

the difference is most often +- .01563 and the integer is always present. Therefore, limited space can force close but not exact measurements.

4009.191 3.074219 3.535156 2.957031 3.023438 2.953125 2.875 3.054688 2.824219 2.921875

longer data extension. The fast clicks most likely didn't happen as much, but limitations rounded it.

The TIMER program is capable of determining the time between two events accurately to withing about .0001

Most of the data is rounded to the .000001 second.

event number clock time

ime interval 4009.191

009.191 4012.266
