question form


Mth 158

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

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mine isn't really a question of a problem that I don't understand, I have worked my first assignment all out on papaer, but when I started to try to type it is when the questions came. Text problems 9 through 20 for Section R.1 have a symbow that looks like a U and an upside U to find a set with a given universal set and sets A, B, and C. I can use a U for the A U B, but I cannot figure out how to type out the upside down U.


For that symbol we use the ^. It's the same sign we use for exponentiation, but it's clear from the context when it means exponentiation and when it means set intersection.

Note that you aren't asked to type up all the problems. You are asked to complete the Query document at the end of the assignment.

You are of course welcome to submit a Question Form on any problem that isn't covered on the Query, if you have a question about that problem.
