question form


PHY 121

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Question Regarding Due Dates

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I have completed the initial activities for PHY 121 and am just a little confused regarding your due date system. I also have a question regarding initial activities for MTH 272.

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I have seen and reviewed the information regarding the Assignment Due Dates page however I also understand that this class is self-paced and as long as all material is completed by the end of the course, we're good. Is this the case, and then if so, does the Assignment due dates serve more to structure the work and provide a good recommendation for pacing? I apologize if I am misinterpreting the system.

Also, since I have completed the initial activities in PHY 121, must I do them for MTH 272 as they are largely the same?

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Good questions.

You don't have to complete anything in the Initial Activities for Mth 272 that you already completed for Phy 121.

However there are parts of the latter set of activities you will not have completed, and you will need to complete them.

The Due Dates are not firm, but I strongly advise that you don't get very far behind them. Time is already very short and there's a lot of work to be done. In any case, as long as everything is done by the end of the term, it's OK.
