Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your General Comment **
** Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **
I see a table of timed events. The second column is the time the button was clicked from when the timer started. The third column is the time between clicks.
** Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **
1 11.125 11.125
2 11.28516 .1601563
3 11.4375 .1523438
4 11.59766 .1601563
5 11.75781 .1601563
6 11.90625 .1484375
7 12.1875 .28125
8 12.34766 .1601563
9 12.49609 .1484375
10 12.64844 .1523438
11 12.79688 .1484375
12 12.95703 .1601563
13 13.23828 .28125
14 13.39844 .1601563
15 13.54688 .1484375
16 13.71875 .171875
17 13.89063 .171875
18 14.05078 .1601563
19 14.21094 .1601563
20 14.35938 .1484375
21 14.51172 .1523438
22 14.67188 .1601563
23 14.83984 .1679688
24 15 .1601563
25 15.17188 .171875
26 15.35156 .1796875
27 15.51172 .1601563
28 15.67188 .1601563
29 15.83203 .1601563
30 15.97266 .140625
31 16.13281 .1601563
32 16.3125 .1796875
33 16.46094 .1484375
34 16.625 .1640625
35 16.78516 .1601563
36 16.94531 .1601563
37 17.11328 .1679688
38 17.27344 .1601563
39 17.59375 .3203125
40 17.76563 .171875
41 17.92578 .1601563
42 18.09766 .171875
43 18.26563 .1679688
44 18.42578 .1601563
45 18.58594 .1601563
46 18.73828 .1523438
47 18.92188 .1835938
48 19.07031 .1484375
49 19.24219 .171875
50 19.39063 .1484375
51 19.57031 .1796875
52 19.73047 .1601563
53 19.88281 .1523438
54 20.03125 .1484375
55 20.18359 .1523438
56 20.33203 .1484375
57 20.49219 .1601563
58 20.64453 .1523438
59 20.83203 .1875
** Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **
I took the time of the last click and subtracted from it the time of the first click, then divided by 20.
** Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **
.1601563, 9
.1484375, 5
.1523438, 3
.28125, 2
.171875, 2
11.125, 1
** Your general comment to this point **
** Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **
Dont know yet
** What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **
The timer program is measuring our click speed and thereby, our acceleration. The table above shows that we are accelerating our click speed at a constant rate and then decellerating at a constant rate. This measures our muscle reaction times.
Only certain intervals occurred, and all are multiples of a common number. This number is strongly associated with the binary nature of the computer.
You should investigate this further and submit a note updating your thinking on this question.
** Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **
** Your general comment to this point: **
** Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **
Because we unconsciously think to breath. It is not intentional.
** Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **
The event times are recorded to the .001 digit
** Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **
event number clock time time interval
1 2666.492 2666.492
2 2672.801 6.308594
3 2678.719 5.917969
** **
30 Mins
** **
This assignment completely confused me. I understand the velocity and acceleration part of the table, but to what conclusions I was supposed to draw from them I don't understand.
Nothing is moving so there is no velocity or acceleration.
You are observing the ouput and the precision of the TIMER program. Also calculating a mean and constructing a frequency distribution (neither of which gave you any trouble, but you would be surprised at what I see from some University Physics students).
See the note I inserted and please respond as indicated.