Mr. Smith,
I find that in trying to navigate through the course and keep up with the work that is due, I am feeling so overwhelmed. I am not sure of the assignments. I am looking at the instructions of the due dates for the assignments.
Week 01: Week of 9-1-09 - 9-7-09 Assignments 0,1,2 and associated class notes
Week 02: Week of 9-8-09 - 9-14-09 Assignments 3,4 and associated class notes
Week 03: Week of 9-15-09 - 9-21-09 Assignments 5,6,7 and associated class notes
Does this mean 0, 1, 2 are class notes from the DVD and 3, 4 are class notes 3 and 4, and so forth? I feel like I am spending more time trying to find the things I need to do instead of spending time of actually doing the assignments.
I keep thinking that I am falling behind in this class and I get more and more confused the harder I try. Am I up to date on what I need to be doing? And, what would you suggest? Do you think the class at the campus is easier to follow than the on-line course?
I really don't want to drop this class.
You appear to be doing fine in the class. You are pretty much through Assignment 1, and still have a couple of days to finish Assignment 2 and be completely up-to-date. If you need to clear up some issues with your tutor, it's OK to take a couple of extra days.
Any confusion about where to find things will be resolved by the time you've completed this week's assignments, and navigation will be nice and predictable.
Part of Assignment 0 was to review CD Contents.
Under CD #2 you would find the menu below, which lists Class Notes by number. Class Notes #01 is for Assignment 1, etc..
CD #2: Precalculus I #'s 1-6
Introduction and Class Notes 1-6
Original Dates 8/25-9/10/98
Introduction to Course
Introduction to CD #2: Brief Overview of Major Topics, Class Notes 1-6
Class Notes #01: Depth vs. Clock Time Model
Class Notes #02: Quadratic Model of Depth vs. Clock Time (3 points, 3 simultaneous equations)
Class Notes #03: Graphs of Quadratic Functions
Class Notes #04: Graphs of Quadratics Functions; Function Notation
Class Notes #05: Introduction to Function Families
Class Notes #06: Power Functions, Rates and Slopes