Assgn 34

course Mth 158

If your solution to stated problem does not match the given solution, you should self-critique per instructions at

Your solution, attempt at solution:

If you are unable to attempt a solution, give a phrase-by-phrase interpretation of the problem along with a statement of what you do or do not understand about it. This response should be given, based on the work you did in completing the assignment, before you look at the given solution.

034. * 34


Question: * 5.3.18 / 7th edition 4.4.18. Analyze the graph of y = (x^2 + x – 12) / (x^2 – 4)


Your solution:

R(x) = x^2 + x – 12 / x^2 – 4

D: {x|x does not equal 2}

Factors as (x-3)(x+4) / (x-2)(x+2)

Y intercept is when R(0) = 3

Plot the point (0, 3)

X intercepts are the zeros of the numerator

x-3=0 or x = 3

x+4 = 0 or x = -4

Then find how the graph acts near zero

Near 3 (x-3)(3+4) / (3-2)(3+2) = 7/5(x-3)

Near -4 (-4-3)(x+4) / (-4-2)(_4+2) = - 7/12(x+4)

Plot the points (3, 0) with slope 7/5 and (-4, 0) with slope -7/12

Zeros of the denominator are x = 2 and x = -2 which gives us the vertical asymptote. Then we plot the line with dashes at x = 2 and x = -2

Since the degree of the numerator and the degree of the denominator are = we will use leading coeff of numerator 1, and denominator 1, to find horizontal asymptote of y = 1

To find out if the graph intersects the asymptote we solve R(x) = 1

x^2 + x – 12 / x^2 – 4 = 1

x^2 + x – 12 = 1(x^2 – 4)

x^2 + x – 12 = x^2 – 4

x^2 – x^2 + x = -4 + 12

x = 8

Graph intersects the line y =1 only at x = 8

Plot point (8, 1) and dashes to indicate Y = 1 for horizontal asymptote

Zeros of numerator 3, -4 and zeros of denominator 2, -2 divide x axis into 5 intervals

(-inf, -4) (-4, -2) (-2. 2) (2, 3) (3, inf)

Construct a table and pick numbers to find points, I chose:

R(-5) = 8/21 with point (-5, 8/21) above x axis

R(-3) = -6/5 with point (-3, -6/5) below

R(0)= 3 (0, 3) above

R(3/2) = 33/10 (3/2, 33/10) above

R(4) = 2/3 (4, 2/3) above x axis

I don’t know if I drew the lines right. My graph looked like a parabola open upwards at (0, 3) and did not cross the vertical asymptote. For the point (-5, 8/21) it did not cross the horizontal or the vertical asymptote, and the same with the (4, 2-3).

confidence rating: 2



Given Solution:

* * The factored form of the function is

y = (x – 3) ( x + 4) / [(x – 2) ( x + 2)].

As x -> infinity the function is dominated by the highest-power terms in numerator and denominator, and the value approaches y = x^2 / x^2 = 1. The same occurs as x -> -infinity. So the graph has a horizontal asymptote at y = 1.

The function has zeros where the numerator has zeros, at x = 3 and x = -4.

The function is undefined and approaches vertical asymptotes when the denominator is zero, which occurs at x = 2 and x = -2.

Since every factor is linear the function will change sign at every zero and vertical asymptote. So the function will alternate between positive and negative on the intervals (-infinity, -4), (-4, -2), (-2, 2), (2, 3) and (3, infinity).

For large negative x, as we have seen, the function is positive (it approaches y = +1 as x -> -infinity). So on the interval (-infinity, -4) the function will be positive.

Alternating between positive and negative, the function is negative on (-4, -2), positive on (-2, 2), negative on (2, 3) and positive on (3, infinity). It passes through the x axis at x = -4 and at x = 3.

We can use these facts to determine the nature of the vertical asymptotes.

As we approach x = -2 from the left we are in the interval (-4, -2) so function values will be negative, and we approach the asymptotes through negative values, descending toward the asymptote. To the right of x = -2 we are in the interval (-2, 2) so function values are positive, and the asymptote to the right of x = -2 descends from positive values.

As we approach x = 2 from the left we are in the interval (-2, 2) so function values will be positive, and we approach the asymptotes through positive values, rising toward the asymptote. On the interval (-2, 2), then, the values of the function descend from a positive asymptote at the left and ascend toward a positive asymptote on the right. It does this without passing through the x axis, since there are no zeros in the interval (-2, 2), and therefore remains above the x axis on this interval.

To the right of x = 2 we are in the interval (2, 3) so function values are negative, and the asymptote to the right of x = 2 ascends from negative values.

At x = 3 we have a zero so the graph passes through the x axis from negative to positive, and thereafter remains positive while approaching y = 1 as a horizontal asymptote.

I am not sure if my answer matches the given solution.

Question 5.3.30 / 7th edition 4.4.30. Analyze the graph of y = (x^2 - x – 12) / (x + 1)

G(x) = x^2 – x – 12 / x + 1

D: {x | x does not equal -1}

Factored we get (x-4)(x+3) / (x+1)

y intercept is G(0) = -12

Plot point (0, -12)

Real zeros of the numerator x – 4 = 0 x + 3 = 0

x = 4

x = -3

Plot point (4, 0) (-3, 0)

Near -3 (-3-4)(x+3) / (-3+1) = 7/2(x+3)

Near 4 (x-4)(4+3) / 4+1) = 7/5(x-4)

Indicate slope 7/2 at point (-3, 0) and slope 7/5 at (4, 0)

Vertical asymptote is x = -1 plot with dashes

Function is improper so we use long division to find horizontal or oblique asymptote.

(I have so much trouble doing this part, but I came up with y = x, which would be an oblique asymptote)

Now we can divide the x axis into 4 intervals

(-inf, -3) (-3, -1) (-1, 4) (4, inf)

Using the numbers I chose I have the points

R(-4) = -8/3 Point (-4, -8/3) below axis

R(-2) = 6 (-2, 6) above

R(2) = -10/3 (2, -10/3) below

R(5) = 4/3 (5, 4/3) above

Given solution

The factored form of the function is

y = (x – 4) ( x + 3) / (x + 1).

As x -> infinity the function is dominated by the highest-power terms in numerator and denominator, and therefore approaches y = x^2 / x = x. So the graph is asymptotic to the line y = x at both left and right.

The function has zeros where the numerator has zeros, at x = -3 and x = 4.

The function is undefined and approaches vertical asymptotes when the denominator is zero, which occurs at x = -1.

Since every factor is linear the function will change sign at every zero and vertical asymptote. So the function will alternate between positive and negative on the intervals (-infinity, -3), (-3, -1), (-1, 4) and (4, infinity).

For large negative x, the function is close to y = x, which is negative. So on the interval (-infinity, -3) the function will be negative.

Alternating between positive and negative, the function is positive on (-3, -1), negative on (-1, 4) and positive on (4, infinity). It passes through the x axis at x = 4 and at x = -3.

We can use these facts to determine the nature of the vertical asymptote.

As we approach x = -1 from the left we are in the interval (-3, -1) so function values will be positive, and we approach the asymptotes through positive values, ascending toward the asymptote. To the right of x = -1 we are in the interval (-1, 4) so function values are negative, and the asymptote to the right of x = -1 ascends from negative values.

The function passes through the x axis at x = 4, and then approaches the line y = x as an asymptote, remaining positive from x = 4 on.

I think I must have done this wrong, but it is so hard to follow along with the given solution.

Question 5.3.42 / 7th edition 4.4.42. Analyze the graph of y = 2 x^2 + 9 / x.

The only thing I could do was say the domain was x could not be 0. And say the y intercept was f(0) is undefined. This one really threw me off. I could not find an example in the book to follow along with.

Given Solution

The denominator x indicates a vertical asymptote at x = 0, i.e., at the y axis.

The function has zeros when 2 x^2 + 9 / x = 0 . Multiplying both sides by x we get

2 x^3 + 9 = 0 so that

x^3 = -9/2 and

x = -(9/2)^(1/3) = -1.65 approx..

The function therefore alternates between positive and negative on the intervals (-infinity, -1.65), (-1.65, 0) and (0, infinity).

For large positive or negative values if x the term 9 / x is nearly zero and the term 2 x^2 dominates, so the graph is asymptotic to the y = 2 x^2 parabola. This function is positive for both large positive and large negative values of x.

So the function is positive on (-infinity, -1.65), negative on (-1.65, 0) and positive on (0, infinity).

Approaching the vertical asymptote from the left the function therefore approaches through negative y values, descending toward its vertical asymptote at the y axis.

To the right of the vertical asymptote the function is positive, so it descends from its vertical asymptote.

From left to right, therefore, the function starts close to the parabola y = 2 x^2, eventually curving away from this graph toward its zero at x = -1.65 and passing through the x axis at this point, then descending toward the y axis as a vertical asymptote.

To the right of the y axis the graph descends from the y axis before turning back upward to become asymptotic to the graph of the parabola y = 2 x^2.


5.3.56 / 4.4.56. Steel drum volume 100 ft^3, right circular cylinder. Find amount of material as a function of r and give amounts for r = 3, 4, 5 ft. Graph and indicate the min.

V = 100 cubic feet

Lateral Surface Area of the sides = 2pi * r * h

Top and Bottom Surface Area = 2(pi*r^2)

If base * height = volume then

pi * r^2 * height = 100

height = 100 /(pi r^2)

Amount of material needed would be the sum of the Lateral Surface and the Top and Bottom Surface Area

2pi * r * (100 / ( pi r^2 )) = 200 / r.

Total surface area would be 2pi * r^2 + 200 / r

r = 3 2pi * 3^2 + 200 / 3 = 123.22

r = 4 2pi * 4^2 + 200 / 4 = 150.53

r = 5 2pi * 5^2 + 200 / 5 = 197.08

I have to be honest and tell you that I did not solve this on my own. I had to study the given information for a good 2 hours to really understand it (and then I am not confident that I could do it again without help). But after going over and over it, I think I see how the answer is obtained. I worked it out step by step. The only part that was really confusing for me was solving 2pi * r * (100/ (pi r^2)) = 200 /r

I still have trouble trying to solve anything that involves pi and radius and volume, but I feel that I have improved somewhat since I started the class.

If the radius of the cylinder is r then the area of its circular base is pi r^2. The volume of the drum is area of base * height = 100, so that

pi r^2 * height = 100 and

height = 100 / (pi r^2).

The surface area is the sum of the surface areas of the bases, which is 2 pi r^2, and the surface area of the sides, which is circumference * height = 2 pi r * height = 2 pi r * (100 / ( pi r^2 )) = 200 / r. So the total surface area is

Surface Area = 2 pi r^2 + 200 / r.

For r = 3 we get

2 pi * 3^2 + 200 / 3 = 123.2.

Similarly for r = 4 and r = 5 we get areas 150.5 and 197.1.

Analysis of the function tells us that the graph descends from the positive vertical axis as an asymptote, reaches a minimum then begins ascending toward the 2 pi r^2 parabola, to which it is asymptotic. There must therefore be a minimum in there somewhere. Our areas 123.2, 150.5 and 197.1 are increasing, so the minimum lies either to the left of r = 3 or between r = 3 and r = 4.

Evaluating the function half a unit to the left and right of r = 3 gives us values 119.2699081, 134.1118771 at r = 2.5 and r = 3.5. We conclude that the minimum lies to the left of r = 3.

Evaluating at r = 2.6 and r = 2.4 we get areas 119.3974095 and 119.5244807, both greater than the 119.27 we got at r = 2.5. So our minimum will lie close to r = 2.5.


Self-critique (if necessary):

No discrepancies


Self-critique Rating: 3


&#Very good work. Let me know if you have questions. &#