question form


Mth 279

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Procedure of taking test.

** **

Where to find the proctor for my exam?

It's my first time to do the distance learning and I have no clue where to find a proctor for my exam. I'm currently a student in Virginia Tech, and lives in Blacksburg. Should I turn to a specific department responsible for proctoring test, or any professor I know? Should I turn to Virginia Tech or the New River Community College (the one closest to my home)?


I recommend New RIver Community College. Call them. They are very helpful and do a very good job.


I want to make sure I have understood the procedure of taking test correctly: I should submit the proctor information form, and then the test will be sent to my proctor. After I finished the test, I will ask my proctor to send the finished test back to you and I will also need to submit a test taken form.


This is correct.


Please tell me if I misunderstand any part of the test procedure, or I miss anything important.

Also. I don't really know where to find your reply when using this communication system. I mean if I send you an email, you will reply me via email, but I don't see any access link to the communication history or communication page.

If you will not reply via email, instead using the system, please send me an email to tell me where to find your reply.

Really appreciate.

Another question regards the homework. I see the percentage of grade homework contributes is very less, may be less than 5% (0.25 out of 5.25). Just want to confirm that, because if homework really does not count much, I may choose not doing it at all, (since I have already learnt most of the knowledge before transferring to US)


It's a very good idea to work the homework problems. Though the text for this course is written by VT faculty members, other instructors might use a different text, and every course has its own emphasis.



If you have the knowledge, you should be able to work the homework with little trouble.



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