

Had a little trouble with the last question... otherwise I did fine on this section I think.

???????zw??|???assignment #006?€?~?????S??i?`??Liberal Arts Mathematics II

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Query 12.1.6 8 girls 5 boys

What is the probability that the first chosen is a girl?



8/13 or .615 would be the probability that a girl is chosen first.




** Assuming the choice is completely random there are 13 possible choices, 8 of which are female so we have

P(female) = 8 / 13 = .6154, approx. **






** Assuming the choice is completely random there are 13 possible choices, 8 of which are female so we have

P(female) = 8 / 13 = .6154, approx. **



I see




Query 12.1.12 3 fair coins: Probability and odds of 3 Heads.



The answer would be 1/8 for probability, or 1 to 7 odds. My reasoning?

If you were to flip 3 coins then there are a total of 8 possiblities, as determined by doing a tree.... the possible outcomes are..

hhh, hht, htt, hth, thh, tht, tth, ttt




** There are 8 equally likely possible outcomes when flipping 3 fair coins. You can list them: hhh, hht, hth, htt, thh, tht, tth, ttt. Or you can use the fact that there are 2 possibilities on each flip, therefore 2*2*2 = 2^3 = 8 possible outcomes.

Only one of these outcomes, hhh, consists of 3 heads.

The probability is therefore

P(3 heads) = # of outcomes favorable/total number of possible outcomes = 1 / 8.

The odds in favor of three heads are

Odds ( 3 heads ) = # favorable to # unfavorable = 1 to 7. **







Query 12.1.20 P(pink) from two pink parents (Rr and Rr)

What is the probability of a pink offspring.



In the interest of Roses, you will find that two pink hybrids produce 1 red, 2 pinks, and 1 white. As such, the probability is 2/4 or 1/2.




** The genes R and r stand for the red and white genes.

A pink offspring is either Rr or rR. RR will be red, rr white.

R r


r rR rr

shows that {RR, Rr, rR, rr} is the set of equally likely outcomes. We season two of the four possible outcomes, rR and Rr, will be pink.

So the probability of pink offspring is 2/4 = 1 / 2. **







Query 12.1.33 cystic fibrosis in 1 of 2K cauc, 1 in 250k noncauc

What is the empirical probability, to 6 places, that a randomly chosen non-Caucasian newborn will have cystic fibrosis?



The probility, is 1/250,000... broken down that is .000004 as this is equal to 1 divided by 250,000




** There is 1 chance in 250,000 so the probability is 1 / 250,000 = 4 * 10^-6, or .000004. **







12.1.40 Cc genes carrier, cc has disease; 2 carriers first child has disease **** What is the probability that the first child has the disease?



Cc and cc produce the following....

Cc, Cc, cc, and cc... thus the probability that the first child has the disease and is not just a carrier is 2/4 or 1/2.




** If cc has the disease, then the probability that the first child will have the disease is 1/4. **



I may have made a mistake.




What is the sample space for this problem?



Cc, Cc, cc, cc




** The sample space is {CC, Cc. cC, cc}. **



Oh! I looked at the question wrong.... I thought you meant to cross Cc with cc. Then I saw the other part.... couple are both carriers...

Okay, that explains where I went wrong.




12.1.60 36 in class, 3 chosen **** What is the probability that the choice will be the given three people in any order?



For this I will use the permutation skills taught in last chapter.

P= (36,3)





So the probability would be 1/42840

(I tried to divide 1 by 42840 and my calculator keeps spitting back an error amount)




** There are P(36,3) possible ordered choices of 3 people out of the 36.

P(36,3) = 36! / (36-3)! = 36! / 33! = (36*35*34*33*32*31*...*1) / (33*32*31*...*1) = 36*35*34=40,000 or so.

The probability of any given choice is therefore 1 / P(36,3) = 1/40,000 = .000025, approx..

For any given set of three people there are six possible orders in which they can be chosen. So the probability of the three given people, in any order, is 6 * probability of a given order = 6 / P(36,3) = 6/40,000 = .00015.

Alternatively we can say that we are choosing 3 of 36 people without regard for order, so there are C(36,3) possibilities and the probability of any one of them is 1 / C(36,3). **







Query 12.1.75 digits 1, 2, ..., 5 rand arranged; prob even, prob digits 1 and 5 even What is the probability that the resulting number is even and how did you obtain your answer?



I had trouble with this problem so I am going to observe your answer




** The number will be even if it ends in 2 or 4. There are 5 possible ending numbers. So 2 of the 5 possible ending numbers are even and the probability of an even number is 2/5.

We analyze in two ways the number of ways to choose a number with digits 1 and 5 even.

First way:

There are 5! = 120 possible arrangements of the 5 digits.

There are only two possible even digits, from which we will choose digit 1 and digit 5. The order of our choice certainly matters, since a different choice will give us a different 5-digit number. So we are choosing 2 digits from a set of 2 digits, where order matters. We therefore have P(2, 2) = 2*1 / 0! = 2 ways to choose these digits.

The remaining 3 digits will comprise digits 2, 3 and 4. We are therefore choosing 3 digits from a set of 3, in order. There are P(3, 3) = 3*2*1/0! = 6 ways to do so.

To obtain our number we can choose digits 1 and 5, then digits 2, 3 and 4. There are P(2, 2) * P(3, 3) = 2 * 6 = 12 ways to do this.

So the probability that digits 1 and 5 are even is 12 / 120 = 1/10.

Second way:

A simpler solution looks at just the possibilities for digits 1 and 5. There are P(2, 2) = 2 choices for which these digits are even, and P(5, 2) = 20 total choices for these two digits. The probability that both will be even is therefore 2/20 = 1/10, the same as before. **



Okay, I think I understand now.



Your work on this assignment is good. Let me know if you have specific questions, especially on that last problem.