PHY 202
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** Question Form_labelMessages **
Submitting Assignment 00
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I'm just trying to figure out what exactly needs to be done and submitted for Assignment 00. The page Table of Assignments, Topics, and Specific Objectives says Lab Materials Form (done weeks ago as required), Disc Contents (in which I've watched the intro and all video experiments but still need to get to the Experiments 1-9), and Disc Content Experiments and Problem Sets (I'm lost on what I'm supposed to do here).
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The video experiments on Disc 0 have the viewer take down some data and analyze the experiments. I'm not sure where I am supposed to submit my findings and analysis. The Internet site that Disc 0 leads me to says Note: Directions for these experiments are accessed from the Physics II homepage (see. e.g. Assignment 1) but I really cannot find where this is explained.
I've taken a look at Assignment 01 to see if I can find any sort of helpful information, and 01 seems rather straightforward as opposed to 00. I just don't want to miss anything important or fail to submit work for it.
Thank you in advance!
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You need to submit only those things specified on the Assignments Page.
If in a video you are instructed to do something, you can ignore that unless it's specified on the assignments page.
You weren't actually assigned to view all the contents of the disks. The intent was just for you to know where those contents are. However, this could have been communicated more clearly on the Assignments page. In any case, having viewed them now you will be a step ahead when asked to view them later.